slartibartfast wrote: 
> Low.power options for LMS have come a long way from pogoplugs
> [emoji1787]

It used to be "low power" meant "limited functionality". Now with Pi4
and even CORE32 - these units are not only low power but can support
sync on many players, do full transcoding and possible DRC and other
processing stuff. It is also now simpler to add a Pi based LMS than play
around with custom NAS builds. Although for some NAS there is a Docker

The LMS ecosystem has also been improved by the availability of the low
cost, quick to start ESP32 based players as an genuine alternative to
bridged BT/UPNP/Airplay speakers. 
* PI3/4 based players are now the high end/highly customisable "player"
* Pi Zero cheaper but still with PCP
* ESP32 - Philippe's excellent Squeezeamps, Polyvection DAC32 and now
Raspiaudio products such as ready to go ESP Muse Luxe (mine is due on
Fri)  and the prototype board ESP32 MUSE Proto

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