bpa wrote: 
> It used to be "low power" meant "limited functionality". Now with Pi4
> and even CORE32 - these units are not only low power but can support
> sync on many players, do full transcoding and possible DRC and other
> processing stuff. It is also now simpler to add a Pi based LMS than play
> around with custom NAS builds. Although for some NAS there is a Docker
> alternative.
> The LMS ecosystem has also been improved by the availability of the low
> cost, quick to start ESP32 based players as an genuine alternative to
> bridged BT/UPNP/Airplay speakers. 
> * PI3/4 based players are now the high end/highly customisable "player"
> solution. 
> * Pi Zero cheaper but still with PCP
> * ESP32 - Philippe's excellent Squeezeamps, Polyvection DAC32 and now
> Raspiaudio products such as ready to go ESP Muse Luxe (mine is due on
> Fri)  and the prototype board ESP32 MUSE Proto
> https://forum.raspiaudio.com/t/multirooms-with-squeezelite-with-esp32-muse-proto/291Where
>  did you order your Raspiaudio player from? I only see it on
Amazon.fr and they are sold out.

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