It works a treat, thank you Paul.

I've programmed 5 buttons plus the 'push' function of the rotary
encoder, and they all work as expected.  Even the partially documented
CMD_LONG seems to work, as well as the previously documented POWR
command. :)

It turns out the 5V is what the rotary encoder uses to generate the high
pulses when the encoder is turned.  It works just as well with 3.3V. 
The push function simply connects the SW pin to the GND pin, like any of
my other button switches.  I discovered that I can't simultaneously use
the same pins to control the volume with the rotary encoder and my
separate VOL+ and VOL- buttons - I guess that's because of a clash
between the pulses generated by the encoder and the pull-up setting for
the separate buttons.  In my planned installation I probably won't use
the rotary encoder at all, just the up and down button, but in testing I
got it all to work by just using two different pins for the encoder.

Great stuff.  So now I can get on with planning an amplifier build with
a built-in pCP RPi with some hardware buttons.  The amplifier will be
based on a Hypex DLCP, so I've been having a go at designing a PCB (my
first!) to match the button layout on the DLCP input board - it's
symmetric/reversible, so I'll probably mount it to mirror the DLCP
buttons.  I'm intending that it'll have an input box header to connect
to the RPi, plus another to allow daisy-chaining another HAT, plus pin
connections to allow the buttons and IR receiver to connect to whichever
GPIO pins are still free (allowing for the daisy-chained HAT), either
with hard-soldered leads or via header sockets and fly-leads.



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