For me, it's not a question of danger. It's a question of "does it make any sense?" Here we have a few rocks sticking out of the ocean and the only way to "inhabit" them is to build scaffolding. This is a stupid country. How is it different from Okino Torishima (aka Baldwin's folly?)

Off the top of my head, there are other stupid countries, created by stupid rules. This is not meant to be all inclusive. I'm sure there are others:

4u1un & 4u1itu - both for obvious reasons. Otherwise add every embassy and American Indian casino. Swains - a privately owned island becomes an instant country due to a rule change (brings up the frequently bantered topic of a few prominent DXers "making" countries.)

When the stupid rule is corrected, the stupid countries should not remain on the list. To me, it doesn't matter if a country is removed or deleted. The all-time DXCC list is a showing of how old someone is, nothing more.

Barry, W2UP
P.S. In case you're wondering, I have them all and didn't need BS7 (except on RTTY.)

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