I will admit that there are more than a few "big gun" DXpeditions, the last
few years, that I have managed to work on band/mode combos that I didn't


Most of those QSOs, though, came in the last week to 10 days.  If I hear the
station on, coming in strong, and not working anyone for minutes at a time.
why not?  I don't feel that IN THIS PARTICULAR SITUATION that I'm taking a
QSO away from someone else calling, because there isn't anyone else calling.
at least that the DX station is hearing.


The leaderboards may be encouraging some DX Hogs in that it lets them easily
show off that they can "work 'em all".  Apples to oranges, though, most of
the DX Hogs would do so anyway, even if the leaderboards didn't exist.


The problem isn't the leaderboards.  It's the DX Hogs & other lids.  The
leaderboards only illustrate the problem, they don't create it.  IMHO





From: kf...@njdxa.org [mailto:kf...@njdxa.org] On Behalf Of Zack Widup
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 5:59 PM
To: dx-chat
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Leaderboards - good or bad?


Someone has pointed out recently that for DXCC requirements, you could get
by with 9 QSO's which would cover 160 through 10 meters. You only need one
QSO each on CW, SSB and RTTY, so you could either fit them in amongst your 9
QSO's, or make a total of 11 QSO's to satisfy DXCC requirements.

The Leaderboards seem to be the things that are inspiring people to make 27
QSO's with the DX. I'm sure some of these stations that are coming out on
top of the leadeboards have worked some of these stations previously on some
of those band/modes, so it becomes mostly a thing of greed and ego.

73, Zack W9SZ

On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV <w...@subich.com> wrote:

On 6/5/2012 4:39 PM, Ryan Jairam wrote:

I don't really buy that argument. In the last days of a DXpedition,
they're usually begging.


You obviously did not attempt to work 7O6T on RTTY. The Europeans
monopolized the few available RTTY band slots and even chased 7O6T
off RTTY many times in the last days of the DXpedition.

Quite simply, Leaderboards as currently structured encourage rampant
DX Hoggery and have no place in radiosport.


... Joe, W4TV

On 6/5/2012 4:39 PM, Ryan Jairam wrote:

I don't really buy that argument. In the last days of a DXpedition,
they're usually begging.

Those who couldn't make a QSO probably couldn't make a QSO on a
completely clear band anyway. There is only so much you can work with
a dipole and 100 watts.

And finally, DXing is competitive.You can be a good sport but you
don't have to put yourself at a disadvantage to make others feel

Ryan, N2RJ

On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 4:27 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV<w...@subich.com> wrote:


I think KQ8M's first comment in response to G7VJR's editorial is
on point. Clublog's "Leaderboards" should be modified to stop
counting at 11 "band slots." 11 (or 12 if the operation works
six meters) allows a station to work the operation on each band
plus pick up QSOs on CW, Digital, and voice.

Quite frankly, in spite of falling prey to the seduction of high
leaderboard numbers a time or two myself, anyone who shows up with
more than 14 or 15 band slots is simply a DX HOG. There is simply
no excuse for such behavior.

N1DG's presentation at Dayton clearly showed the DX HOGs do not
provide increased support (contributions with QSL) relative to
the number of band slots worked ... even the "more QSOs mean more
revenue" argument falls flat.


... Joe, W4TV

On 6/5/2012 2:54 PM, Paul M Dunphy wrote:

G7VJR's point of view (ClubLog creator and T32C participant):


73, Paul VE1DX

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