> . I can't think of one open source, community-based product that I'd want to 
> hang my hat on, even if I do see some that I'd support. I just don't see the 
> professional depth in the general community.

I own a popular open-source based 3D printer.  Finding the firmware to run the 
printer reliably is a challenge.  Once found (or so I thought) then there’s the 
task of compiling and loading the firmware after customizing specifically for 
one of 4 different mother boards the vendor shipped with the same printer 
model, using vague and incomplete recommendations from the “community".  Then 
there’s the matter of rounding up all the right libraries and versions used 
during the code ‘make’ when it fails.   Oh and it may require re-flashing a 
boot loader as it is susceptible to corruption for reasons I cannot get a clear 
answer on.  Once loaded to the printer, only then to discover it’s really worse 
than the version you hoped to repair, or dramatically changed in ways that 
demand relearning from the beginning.

I would have gladly paid $$ extra for non-open firmware that was supported by 
the vendor and just worked!!  I wanted to print - not test and debug code!

There is real value in proprietary, closed source…. particularly if it reliably 
brings the features and functions I purchased and is well supported by a 
responsive vendor such as Elecraft.

Kudos to the Elecraft Team!

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