John Woodgate states the legal position entirely correctly (for the EEA, I
don't know about Korea):

The CE-marking directives (leaving aside CPR) have mandatory Essential
Requirements - meeting those is the law, but testing to a standard or
standards is not compulsory.  Other than in the unusual situations requiring
Notified Body involvement, you are free to decide how you demonstrate
compliance, and your Technical File must contain sufficient evidence to
support the claims you make in your declaration of conformity, which is a
legal document.

Standards are therefore voluntary, but often extremely useful.  Their key
benefit is where they provide a presumption of conformity, this greatly
assisting any due diligence defence.  Continuing to rely on a superseded
standard removes that presumption of conformity, but it does not necessarily
remove conformity.

So any answer that says you "must" retest when a standard changes, or that
you "must" comply with a particular standard, is simply not correct in law.
What you most sensibly should do is to evaluate the changed standard, and
see if its new provisions might affect whether or not you need to do
anything.  It is good practice for your Technical File to contain a note
that you have carried out this evaluation exercise, even if your conclusion
is "no action required".

An enforcement action cannot be brought on the basis of "not meeting a
standard".  It can only be brought for "not meeting an Essential

Test labs will always want you to go down the testing route - a) because
that's how they make their money and b)providing a pass/fail test report is
a much easier job than having to think about legal compliance.  A lab result
also only tells you about the sample(s) tested, it doesn't know anything
about your control of series production.

Commercially, it may well be that the market requires you always to use the
latest standards, but that it is a different argument to the legal one.

John C

-----Original Message-----
From: John Woodgate [] 
Sent: 31 August 2013 16:56
Subject: Re: [PSES] Retest because of supersded standard?

In message <FCA549BE3ECF9D4CB8CB8576837EA48920A174@ZEUS.cetest.local>,
dated Sat, 31 Aug 2013, "ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen" 
<> writes:

>Are you still sure about your new Signature ??

Yes. But I'm now not sure of the point you are making. There is nothing in
my post that you commented on which is inconsistent with what you are now
posting. Nowhere did I even hint at not needing to justify a decision not to
re-test, and 'justify' means providing evidence.
OOO - Own Opinions Only. With best wishes. See Why is
the stapler always empty just when you want it?

John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK

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