Hi all;

Just for the email record in case others come by and google:

The Sieg KX1 mill I have has on X/Y axis YK57HB76-03A  and on the Z
axis YK60HB86-04A

This mill is sold by ArcEuroTrade, and LittleMachineShop (pn# 3501), plus
others, I'd guess. Mine came as a "KX1-NU" from Novakon outside of Toronto,
Ontario, which meant it came with steppers, etc, but no controller.  (John
Stevenson in the UK was surprised that this mill exists, as seemingly it
was for "internal China use")

The X/Y steppers (YK57HB76-03A) seem to have a:
    step angle 1.8
    voltage 3.0
    length 76mm
    holding torque 1.35 Nm
    current 3.0 A/phase
    Resistance 1.0 Ohms
    inductance 1.6 mH
    Rotor Inertia 480 g/cm2
    weight 1.0kg

 Z stepper (YK60HB86-04A)
     step angle 1.8
    voltage 4.17v
    holding torque 3.1Nm
    length 88mm
    Current 2.8 A/phase
    resistance 1.5 Ohms
    Inductance 6.8mH
    Rotor Inertia 840 g/cm2
    weight 1.4kg.

It took a bit of digging to find this information; firstly finding the
labels on the motors was tough as the machine needed taking apart to read
the labels, secondly to google and find consistent results for these
stepper model numbers.

John A. Stewart
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