On Mon, 5 Mar 2018 10:48:02 -0500 "William L. Thomson Jr."
<wlt...@obsidian-studios.com> said:

> On Mon, 5 Mar 2018 20:57:17 +0900
> Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
> >
> > People who do the work get to call the shots.
> That is a fine balance. I am not really a fan of say ignoring users
> wishes or others because of who is doing the work and doing it their
> way vs whats best for all with others input beyond their own opinion.

But that is the reality. They can call the shots and listen to users. Users are
not always right. But listening is good. In the end people doing work make the
final decisions. And I guess to some extent I hold a veto power over those
which I generally choose not to exercise except on rare occasions when I think
it is warranted.

> > If we made everything code-reviewed ala phab, I think it'd be far
> > worse.
> This is true, it happens all the time with Gentoo. One of your own 
> Bertrand Jacquin has been stuck in such endless review... 68 comments
> https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/pull/5832
> I have been there myself with 1 line change, and no longer bother
> https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/pull/101
> > development would dwindle and die.
> Yes! Just look at Gentoo for proof. QA is killing it slowly
> >  I absolutely know that I'd  personally just stop if I had to put
> > every commit I do through review. 
> I stopped, as have others. Your sentiments are shared by many others.

I think there is a balance. Moving forward with minimal interference, yet still
trying to maintain quality too. You will never have perfect. Perfect is the
enemy of good.

> > I don't think we need STRUCTURE. I think we need communication. I
> > think people have become awfully bad at this. Here is what people
> > need to do IMHO.
> I agree on communication, but I also believe structure is important to
> organizing any group of people to work together on anything.

structure is no good without communication to begin with.

> > 4. Writing down goals
> Why I started these pages I can no longer edit.
> https://phab.enlightenment.org/w/efl_apps_todo/
> https://phab.enlightenment.org/w/elm_code/syntax_support/
> > f) I still think E should have the filemanager built in. It's far
> > too useful to not do this. It's pretty much necessary for icons on
> > the desktop and consistent FM UI. If its done in-process or outside
> > is another matter, but it has to be deeply integrated. 
> In brief, I am not a big fan of such. Seems like a Windows concept
> where Explorer ( not Internet Explorer) is deeply integrated. Pretty
> much any issue I have with E that is non-recoverable comes from EFM.

actually ... this pre-dates windows. amiga workbench had it all integrated
before windows 1.0 was around. and i'm an amiga fan. a lot of e was inspired
from those days. i firmly believe a filemanager has to be deeply integrated.

what are the non-recoverable issues you have? i don't see those. i do use
efm... sometimes thumbnails are blank - scrol lup and down again and it
fixes... recently dnd seems to be flaky and stop working but that's not an efm
change. something in efl did this i think. efm doesn't have a transhcan. that
should be added.

> Maybe a stand alone widget/app could render Icons on desktop and be
> creative there. 3d icons, animated, etc. Integrate say a screen saver
> and live desktop, so icons move to as screen saver and for aesthetics.
> Like having an animated or live background image.
> > i'm sure many people have their own ideas and priorities on what they
> > think is important/right. i'm just dropping the above out there. if
> > you want direction and can't submit your own instead, then look at
> > the above and expand on it as logical.
> Maybe a start is creating more like ToDo or Wish List type pages under
> Phab to identify various interests and goals of each. Or even a simple
> EFL goals or E goals page.
> -- 
> William L. Thomson Jr.

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
Carsten Haitzler - ras...@rasterman.com

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