James Fry wrote:

Bill Gillooly wrote:

I just shot a couple of frames on my 10D and I'm getting IMG_9967.JPG, could that really mean that the camera has taken almost 10,000 shots?

I just did a check and I can only account for about 3,900 files on my hard drive that came from this camera. I think this number is accurate +/-500 (I don't really do a lot of "dry-shooting").

You know what, this system doesn't work. The first shots I have from the camera start at file IMG_1571.JPG, but the next folder the files are in the 01xx range (I'd gues that I reset the counter) but the next folder are nubered 9xxx. Explain that?

Mr. Bill

It could mean that. It could also mean that a card with IMG_9900.JPG and (relevant folder structure) was inserted into the camera, at which point it starts numbering from there upwards.

It's quite easy to reset the counter to whatever you want by careful manipulation of the files on a card.

Then why doesn't the counter change numbers when a freshly formatted CF card is installed?



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