On 3/18/21 5:06 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV wrote:
It occurs to me that:

= Out of warranty service is extremely expensive, often better to replace

I have a Tesla that's been out of warranty for five years or so. I've found your observation to be incorrect. Tesla has pledged to not make service a profit center as it is with franchised dealers. My experience is that they are fulfilling their pledge. My out of warranty car has needed only minor repair and has not yet needed a battery but I expect it to cost around $10k. Which I consider reasonable for a 85kwh battery.

The story I get from Leaf friends is just the opposite. Any dealer Leaf work is likely to be $3k+. Which is preceded by an up front $300 "evaluation fee".

= Online resources tend to talk about how satisfying they are

You doubt the veracity of those with experience.

2. Windows is like most other production EVs.

Lacking experience, I am unwilling to make any comments on any microsoft product.

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