On Sat, Mar 17, 2007 at 03:25:51PM +1100, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> One response to this idea is that the non-computational worlds are overrun
> with white rabbits, whereas the computational worlds allow the calculation
> of a local measure, such as Russell Standish has described, which explains
> the orderly universe we know. However, this doesn't explain why the
> non-computational white rabbits don't suddenly intrude in the next moment:
> what's to say that their relative measure should be less than the orderly
> computational worlds' relative measure?

Actually, this is exactly what I do claim, so if you think I haven't
succeeded, I'd be very interested in learning why.

Note that the non-appearance of white rabbits comes from what I call
"robustness" of the observer, and robustness is not a general property
of Turing machines, which is why the white rabbit problem seems so
intractable in comp.

I argue why robustness should be a very likely property of observers
from evolutionary reasons, but perhaps the weakness of the argument is not yet
calculating the relative proportion of robust observers to non-robust
observers and relating this to the relative proportion of white
rabbits. I certainly believe it should more than compensate, but
perhaps I'm being overly optimistic.



A/Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
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