do you really expect from me upon one tiny sideline remark to redesign the
world? I just wanted to provide an idea why we have 'axioms' which we
(scinece) consider the sacrosanct cornerstones of the existence.
Ask the Zarathustrans in Cohen-Stewart: Collapse of Chaos.

On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 7:50 AM, 1Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 15 Aug, 20:12, "John Mikes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As for 1Z's axioms:
> > In my vocabulary axioms are artifacts invented to make our theories
> > workable. If 1 + 1 is NOT 2,
> How would that turn out the case?
> > you can say goodby to math.
> > Furthermore I dislike the use of the word 'infinite' - in TEXTS I  rather
> > use: 'unlimited'.
> >

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