are some of us still sane?John Mikes

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 8:31 AM, razihassan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all
> First post! I'm happy to have found this list as much of it coincides
> with what I've been thinking about in the past few years, esp. after
> reading about quantum roulette and realising, as many others have
> done, that this leads to quantum immortality.
> 1) Lately, I've been thinking about euthanasia and the QTI.
> Previously, being somewhat of a liberal in these matters, I've always
> held that, assuming proper checks and balances (BIG assumption),
> euthanasia was ok, as it relieved the suffering of the patient as well
> as their loved ones.
> If QTI holds then "killing" the patient won't work (from the patient's
> frame of reference), so you're not actually alleviating their
> suffering. You may of course be relieving the suffering of the
> patient's loved ones (from THEIR pov) but I think we're on dangerous
> ground when you consider whether or not you should kill someone solely
> for their' families' sake.
> So, should QTI-ists be campaigning against euthanasia, not because of
> the traditional 'life is sacred' objection, but because it simply
> doesn't work? Can anyone see an alternative - based perhaps on
> anaethetising the patient indefinitely?
> 2) I'd like to propose a thought experiment. A subject has his brain
> cells removed one at a time by a patient assistant using a very fine
> pair of tweezers. The brain cell is then destroyed in an incinerator.
> Is there a base level of consciousness beyond which, from the pov of
> the subject, the assistant will be unable to remove any more cells,
> since conscious experience will be lost? ie is there a minimum level
> of 'experience' beyond which nature will appear to act to always
> maintain the physical brain?
> If there is, does the second law of thermodynamics not suggest that
> all brains inexorably head towards this quantum of consciousness, for
> as long as our brains are physical?
> Razi
> >

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