On 7/23/2011 9:45 PM, Jason Resch wrote:
If you want to formulate block time without reifying spacetime, then just consider block time a collection of events separated by certain distances and directions from eachother. You may be right that ultimately this is all related to a theory of observation, and I think I can understand what you mean by relativity explaining the organization of these events/observations. In any case, a block universe seems to be a simpler theory than that of one in which objects become real and become unreal continuously, and it is consistent with observations. There is no scientific justification for presentism that I am aware of.

Hi Jason,

But can't you see that I am arguing against any form of spacetime substantivalism, this includes block spacetime, block time, presentism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presentism_%28philosophy_of_time%29), eternalism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternalism_%28philosophy_of_time%29), etc. The idea that events exist with specific properties attached independent of specification of measurement - of which observation by humans is a special case - is what I am arguing against. See: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/spacetime-holearg/ for the full details. Substantivalism just a hold over of Aether theories. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aether_theories and I argue that it is an unnecessary hypothesis. One specific observation that for me nails substantivalism is the observation of no delay or polarization difference between ultra high gamma photons and gamma photons of lower energies from the same gamma ray buster event. Spacetime is show to be smooth at all energy scales, this is contra all theories that treat spacetime as some kind of substance.



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