On Sep 14, 1:33 am, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Your presumption is that the scripted computation would not instantiate 
> feeling.  If the
> scripted computation include input from the world and action in the world 
> (which is what I
> think you call "sensor" and "motive") then it would instantiate feeling.  
> What is
> radically overconfident is your assumption that feeling can only be 
> instantiated by
> organic compounds, neurons, brains or some other human component (you're 
> never really
> clear about which).

No, I just don't think that it wouldn't instantiate human feeling, and
that there is a difference in what a human being is capable of feeling
and what a silicon chip is likely to be able to feel. There is
definitely sensor and motive phenomena in the semiconductor, but it is
in no way isomorphic to our projections about the logic of the script.
I don't  presume that my TV set watches TV with me just because it is
receiving the same electronic pattern as me.

It's not that there is some special component that makes something
human, just as there is no one special ingredient that makes the Taj
Mahal different from  a pile of bricks. I'm just pointing out that if
you can't necessarily expect to build something on a monumental scale
like that out of sticks of butter. Substance matters in some cases,
and we have no idea what those cases are for human consciousness.


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