On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Evgenii Rudnyi <use...@rudnyi.ru> wrote:

" It [the Big Bang] has also happened for a reason?"
>>>  " I have no idea, but I do know it happened for a reason or it did not
>> happen for a reason."
> "Well, then you have an infinite progression"

Yes, but there is nothing illogical about infinite progressions; or maybe
the Big Bang happened for no reason, nothing illogical about that either.

A chain of "why" or "how" questions eventually comes to a end or they do
not, and there is nothing illogical about either possibility.

> "I guess that this contradicts with the whole idea of the Big Bang."

How do you figure that?

"Or you do not believe in the Big Bang?"

I will passionately believe in the Big Bang with all my heart until the
instant somebody comes up with a better theory.

  John K Clark

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