Deutsch is right. Searle is right. Genuine AGI can only come when thoughts 
are driven by feeling and will rather than programmatic logic. It's a 
fundamental misunderstanding to assume that feeling can be generated by 
equipment which is incapable of caring about itself. Without personal 
investment, there is no drive to develop right hemisphere awareness - to 
look around for enemies and friends, to be vigilant. These kinds of 
capacities cannot be burned into ROM, they have to be discovered through 
unscripted participation. They have to be able to lie and have a reason to 
do so.

I'm not sure about Deutsch's purported Popper fetish, but if that's true, I 
can see why that would be the case. My hunch is that although Ben Goertzel 
is being fair to Deutsch, he may be distorting Deutsch's position somewhat 
as far as I question that he is suggesting that we invest in developing 
Philosophy instead of technology. Maybe he is, but it seems like an 
exaggeration. It seems to me that Deutsch is advocating the very reasonable 
position that we evaluate our progress with AGI before doubling down on the 
same strategy for the next 60 years. Nobody whats to cut off AGI funding - 
certainly not me, I just think that the approach has become unscientific 
and sentimental like alchemists with their dream of turning lead into gold. 
Start playing with biology and maybe you'll have something. It will be a 
little messier though, since with biology and unlike with silicon 
computers, when you start getting close to something with human like 
intelligence, people tend to object when you leave twitching half-persons 
moaning around the laboratory. You will know you have real AGI because 
there will be a lot of people screaming.


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