On 12/10/2012 2:56 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
But why isn't "It's a probabilistic world and it obeys the Born rule." a good explanation. I'm all for finding a better explanation, i.e. a deterministic one. But simply postulating an ensemble of worlds to make the probabilities "deterministic" in arbitrary way doesn't strike me as any improvement.

It is, as it explains interference, without adding something not well defined (apparatus, observer) not obeying QM (like with the collapse needed to get one physical reality).

That sounds like prejudice against probabilistic theories. The interference is inherent in the complex Hilbert space states. The interference happens in one world. As Omnes says, you don't need 'collapse' you just need to accept that you have calculated probabilities. That's what probability means - some state is actualized and others aren't.


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