Chemotherapy is generally thought to be evil to the cancer
(it tries to kill it) and good to the patient (it tries ultimately to 
cure him through killing the cancer).

While chemotherapy works against the cancer, on the other hand,
Christian believers such as me believe that the holy spirit, if
so requested, can fill you with life and so defeat a cancer by that means.
Cedrtainly the psychology of a patient can affect the course
of a disease, as wevidenced by the placebo effect. Along
those lines, Jesus said "Your faith has made you whole."
Prayer helps the good, chemotheraphy hurts the bad.

[Roger Clough], []
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." - Woody Allen
----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Craig Weinberg 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2013-01-02, 14:13:35
Subject: Re: The evolution of good and evil

On Wednesday, January 2, 2013 12:57:34 PM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 02 Jan 2013, at 02:01, Craig Weinberg wrote:

Chemotherapy Good or Evil?

Better than nothing for most people having some disease.
Worst than THC injection, plausibly for the same group of people.

Here the Evil is only in the fact that minorities hides information from the 
majority, and this for the minority's interests.
This leads to harmful consequences for the majority.


I was thinking more of how chemotherapy is ambiguous as far as it being 
something which can enhance life by inevitably diminishing it, but sure, the 
politics of it is an issue also.

If I had to get into a definition of good and evil I would go more toward a 
political direction - senseless inequality of power tends to lead to corruption 
and crime. Crime and corruption tends to lead to scapegoating or a misuse of 
sense. The combination of corrupt actions and distortion of truth to cover them 
up is probably as close to evil as I can think of. 

Evil = Abusive social contact.

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