On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 3:18 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  On 2/18/2013 11:47 AM, Terren Suydam wrote:
> If God is arithmetical truth, then what if anything is there to be said
> about its "character"? I know from a formal perspective the answer is
> nothing, because nothing formal can be said about truth.
>  This is more of an informal question, and comes out of my innate desire
> to anthropomorphize.
> Why would you suppose that your desire to anthropomorphize is anything
> other than wishful thinking?  Do you also have a desire to
> anthropormorphize the periodic table?  the solar system?  the infinitesimal
> calculus?

Within comp, there are many minds that have infinite computations resources
at their disposal.  They can evolve forever, and approach infinite
intelligence and knowledge.  They all explore the same mathematical truth
and thus having the same data (that of mathematical truth they explore)
together with near infinite intelligence, they are almost never wrong on
any question or matter.  Thus, despite possibly different origins, they are
all of a like mind, opinion, and possibly character.  The number of
fundamental questions on which these super intelligence disagree goes
towards zero as their intelligence goes towards infinity.

With infinite computational power, these God-like super intelligences have
the power to save other beings (regardless of what universe the other being
hails from).  These God-minds are in a position to help, and thus
responsible for the outcome if they fail to act.  There is much suffering
of conscious beings in the physical universes.  With infinite computing
power at their disposal, these super intelligences can determine re-create
any conscious being from the moment of its physical death and ressurect it
to a existence of that being's desires.  This is not to say this is what
they would do, but if it is the right decision to make, then nearly all
super-intelligences will agree it is the right thing to do and will do it.

In this sense, there can be a anthropomorphic character to mathematical
truth, which comes into existence an infinite number of times and ways but
in most appearances, behaves similarly to all its other incarnations.


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