On 26 Jan 2014, at 20:23, Edgar L. Owen wrote:


To combine my responses to several of your posts...

I sort of agree with your notion of multiple realities but I would argue these are not the fundamental reality and we must assume a more fundamental reality with the same laws of nature, rules of logic, and fine tuning, etc. that these all occur within. Without that it seems to me there could be no possible communication between your realities and that they would not even be part of the same universe.

A theory of completely separate realities not part of a single common reality cannot explain the fact that the laws of physics, the laws of logic, and the fine tuning, the laws of chemistry, the current state of the universe, are the same for all observers. There must be a common reality that includes these facts and the observers and their separate realities in which those observers exist for that to be true.

My definition of reality is simple and very general and takes these points into consideration:

Reality includes everything that exists, without exception, whatever that may be.

Including square circles?

The multiple realities you are proposing are what I would describe as the multiple internal mental simulations of my single reality in which all observers must exist to be in the same universe and communicate with each other.

Each of these observers will of course have his own separate reality VIEW and internal MODEL of that single reality, but these must necessarily be part of a single universe to make sense of things.

On another point you claim that "computations are intractable". That may be true in some general human math sense but with complete certainty the computations that compute the current state of the universe are NOT intractable because they actually occur.

I don't understand. You seem to say that you assume only a non physical comp reality, and then you say that everything exists.

I just can't make sense of any statements you make. I don't see a theory. Sorry.



On Sunday, January 26, 2014 12:17:32 PM UTC-5, Stephen Paul King wrote:
Dear Edgar,

I have a different definition of "reality": what which is incontrovertible for some collection of mutually communicating observers. I find other definition of the word to be incoherent. Given that, let me respond.

On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 8:18 AM, Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net> wrote:

I think we need to back up and explore the root of this apparent disagreement.

If I understand you you claim there are multiple computational realities while I claim there is only one. Is that correct?

Using the definition above, yes, but I suspect that my take on this question is wildly at odds with yours. My claim is that if one tries to mash all of the content of the observations of all possible observers into a single computation one would get something that is indistinguishable from noise, hardly a computation in the usual sense.

What is my reasoning? Consider a pair of observers, Alice and Bob, in orbit of the Earth, they communicate via a satellite system what has a very narrow channel. Each observes a different side of the Earth. The content of their observations is almost mutually exclusive.
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