On 24 January 2014 14:55, Stephen Paul King <stephe...@provensecure.com>wrote:

> Dear LizR,
>   I argue against the block universe idea as well using quantum mechanics:
> positions and momenta cannot co-exist as definite states; a block universe
> must have all of its observables as mutually commuting so that they are all
> simultaneously definite.

If this is a problem (which is far from certain) it's one of classical
physics vs quantum theory. It doesn't show block universes are impossible,
it shows that classical physics is impossible. (The resolution is almost
certainly a block multiverse.)

>    But let us ignore that and stipulate the block universe for the sake of
> the conversation. What we could see in the block universe, once we
> associate with it with the Hamiltonians or Lagrangians of the world tubes,
> is a *representation of action*. *It is not action itself*.

No, it really is action. The past is a block universe (unless you know some
way to change it). You can associate a Hamiltonian with something in the
past (since physics worked in the past). So you can do all the above with
block universes.

>    A world or "reality" is not in my thinking a representation of
> something that does not exist. We can define observers as being
> representable per Bruno's definition, but that is half of what they are,
> not all of what they are. *For every representation there must exist at
> least one physical object and for every physical object there must exist at
> least one representation*.

So "no universe without representation!", eh? (So no universe before beings
able to make representations?)

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