On 20 Apr 2014, at 12:33, Kim Jones wrote:

On 19 Apr 2014, at 2:15 am, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 18 Apr 2014, at 11:02, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:


and that it can exacerbate or precipitate psychosis in patients who already have schizophrenia.

I agree. I might think that this is a good thing, as it will point on the problem and help to manage a treatment. In some case cannabis can be enough as a treatment; in other case cannabis would be not indicated and should be avoided.

Personally, I don't think that cannabis, nor tobacco, should be allowed, without medical prescription, to minors. But to make it illegal to sell it to a minor, you have to legalize it.

For adult, I do think that recreational cannabis is *far* safer than alcohol, on many level (from the liver to the social problem or the car crash).


Cannabis makes the user more sensitive to inputs of all kinds. It kind of invokes an enormous range of qualia which can be disturbing to some subjects. When stoned, you have intense reactions to whatever you are presented with. The well-known feeling of paranoia that often accompanies this is IMO the brain's natural panic reaction to having so many parallel streams of qualia maxed-out at the same time.

I wish this is true, but it is hard to dismantle it from the fact that the "fruit is forbidden". I think the panic reaction occurs with people who can't let it go and want to control everything.

This is normal under the circumstances and why I insist that cannabis use must be ritualised. Consider what a ritual is: a series of actions performed in a special space at a special time with like- minded participants all of whom understand the process involved. You undergo the experience in a protected space. To become stoned amongst people who are not is a very dangerous thing to do because the others will almost certainly make an uninformed judgement about your behaviour.

I would separate the entheogenic use of cannabis from its recreative use. A well known fact is that after years of consumption of cannabis, it becomes essentially a relaxant time-slowing machine. The entheogenic "teaching" get null. Its medicinal virtues continues, though. It remains better compared to most legal tranquilizers or antidepressant products.

The euphoric mind senses this, even though in an altered state of consciousness, and paranoia is the result, because the mind feels helpless when faced with the threat of outsiders who may be negative toward the altered state you are in.

If only alcoholic could be like that!

Therefore, cannabis use is best confined to the "indoors" sensory experiences that you can either do alone or with a few trusted friends. Reading, writing, cooking, eating, listening to or creating/ performing music, painting, sculpting - anything creative that does not involve much movement through space are all suitable activities. The king-daddy experience of them all is, of course, sex.


Unsuitable experiences would be driving a car, ascending in a hot- air balloon etc. this last was the fate of a group last year in New Zealand (Liz may recall this) where the entire group got stoned whilst aloft. When something went wrong with the mechanism of the helium delivery to the burner, nobody was in a baseline state of consciousness able to perform the necessary actions to save the situation and the result was that all perished in a fireball.

If they all perished, how to you know that nobody was in a baseline state of consciousness able to perform the needed actions?

I certainly not applaud the idea of doing that, but I am not sure about your inference. There are many accidents with balloon, sometimes even with sober people.

This is the antithesis of ritualised action performed in a protected space.

Accidents are due to irresponsibility, not products.

Common sense indicates to not alter your mind when you know you will have to use it, but irresponsible people will get the accident, in any possible ways.

I love cannabis myself, but I am the first to proclaim that a stoned driver is quite as dangerous as a drunk driver.

I never said that I love cannabis, to be precise. I might have said that I love salvia. But salvia is quite different and is actually sort of anti-drug, including cannabis.

And now, my dear Kim, I am not sure about any problem about driving and cannabis. Again, when you look at the literature, you can see many papers showing that cannabis is dangerous when driving, but when you do the math, there are simply wrong. Their numbers proves nothing. Yet two serious studies have been done, in France and in the Netherlands, and have concluded, astonishingly enough, that cannabis use diminishes the number of car accidents. Eventually an explanation is that young smoker - young driver are to paranoid to take the car, or are even unable to put the key in the locket, and old consumer-old driver have no problem, drive more slowly and less aggressively, and actually succeed better the driving test.

I am not saying that cannabis is an innocent product, just that we must be rigorous, and aware, like Telmo mentioned, of our prejudices, which can transform a coincidence into a causl link, wrongly. If a plane crash, and the pilot was stone is not an argument for "the plane crashed because the pilot was stone". No more than "the plane crash and the pilot was bearded would imply the plane crashed because the pilot was bearded. It only looks like an evidence for a theory which is that cannabis is dangerous, but that would be begging the question.

Once people from LEAP asked a group of cops to say if they were aware of a specific accident due to alcohol consumption and they all said that they were, and then he asked if they were aware of an accident due to pot (and not due to the fact they were arresting people for pot), and none were aware of any.

Now, I might be a sort of extremist, but even for alcohol, I think that there would be less accident if driving with alcohol was not prohibited. Why?

To be able to fight against the real culprit which is irresponsibility. To drive with alcohol, you might still need to pass a driving-with-alcohol-test, and people would be enforced by laws to put a sign on the top of the car indicating the level of inebriety, and they have to drive at some speed, determined by an alcohol test, etc. That would awake and encourage responsibility. That would make alcohol+speed *really* stupid, and much more rare.

The prohibition does not work: you will not refuse your grandmother liquor, because you have a long road to take. So why not educate people and trust their responsibility.

Alcohol does not kill on the road. I think. Only alcohol + irresponsibility. And irresponsibility can kill all by itself, like with speed, phones, iphones, cigarettes.

Well, No?



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