On 02 Mar 2015, at 00:08, meekerdb wrote:

On 3/1/2015 2:58 PM, LizR wrote:
On 2 March 2015 at 11:12, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
On 3/1/2015 1:39 PM, LizR wrote:
If Bruno uses God to mean an origin, perhaps he should call it 0 (zero) or { } - the empty set?

I think he wants to mean the underlying basis of everything, not just a beginning, but a sustaining basis - and he doesn't believe in set theory or doesn't believe it is basis enough. As Kronecker said, "Die ganze Zahl schuf der liebe Gott, alles Übrige ist Menschenwerk." At a gut level I think he wants to poke the eye of some atheists who rejected his thesis. Otherwise he could easily use "The One" or aperion or quintessence other theologically neutral terms.

Yes. His idea is timeless anyway, so it couldn't really be a temporal beginning. Maybe it should be "Logic" (and he could throw in a homage to Leonard Nimoy)

I am not sure what evidence there is for a creator, but even if there is such evidence that doesn't answer the question at the top of the thread - "Why is there something rather than nothing?" It just changes it to "Why is there a creator?"

He thinks arithmetic is logically necessary and therefore whatever satisfies its existence predicate is what exists.

Yes. I have to admit I like this idea because it's the only thing I've ever come across that actually works on this basis (being logically necessary). Otherwise the universe is just a brute fact - which of course it may be.

Until you reflect that logic is just about relations between concepts we made up - so maybe "logically necessary" isn't so necessary after all. I find it interesting that a lot of "logically necessary" truths were contradicted by quantum mechanics: Nothing can be in two places at the same time. Two things can't be in the same place at the same time. The truths of arithmetic seem to me to be the same way. The number of letter in "this" word plus the number of letters in "that" word is 10 because each has 5 letters. Or is it only 5: t h i s a ? It depends on how you conceptualize "letters"; are they marks on the paper or are those marks on tokens of the Platonic letters?

You are free to develop a quantum theory of numbers.

But to convince us that it is a theory, you need to rely on the usual arithmetic taught in high school, or anything Turing equivalent.

Numbers themselves are not logical necessities. But if you have enough axiom to represent the computable functions in your theory, you are under the incompleteness fate. If your initial beliefs is classical (contains the classical tautologies), then G and G* will apply to you, as far as you reason correctly about yourself at a correct substitution level.

As the goal consists in deriving the "correct physics", I limit my interview to (simple) correct machine, where correctness refer to the usual interpretation of the natural numbers.

That is used in virtually all books making the math used by virtually of physicists.

And there is no need to make any metaphysical assumption about the existence of the numbers. The point is that there is no need, and no possible use, of a metaphysical assumption of primary matter, once we bet that we are Turing emulable.

I don't propose anything new, I show that an assumption (the primary universe) might not be compatible with the idea that our (generalized) brain is Turing-emulable.

Note that Turing emulable is an arithmetical concept: you can *define* it using only the symbol s, 0, +, x and predicate calculus.



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