On 8/16/2015 12:52 PM, John Mikes wrote:
did it slip your mind that your friend, the prez started the Arab Awakening by stabbing Mubarak in the back by his letter and supporting the US-enemy Morsi ("The first DEMOCRATICALLY(?) elected Egyptian prez and his Brotherhood!!!)

What's your point?...that we should have continued to support Mubarak the same way we did the Shah in Iran? I don't think Morsi was a US enemy except in the sense that any despotic tyrant should not be regarded as a US friend.

together with his then Foreign Sec'y Hillary, giving billions in weapons etc.

Egypt has been a big recipient of U.S. foreign aid since WW2, but it only gets about half as much as Israel.

- then again  he stuffed the investors' etc. pockets with our health-care 
billion dollars

Sounds like you write sound-bites for Fox News. Under Obama the rate of growth in per capita healthcare cost has been brought down closer to the overall inflation rate. So there are no extra billions for investors in health care.

sent further hundredthousand Americans to their demise in the Middle East (very few come home sane and safe)

About 1700 US troops died in Afghanistan in six years under Obama. About 600 died under Bush. In Iraq 256 died under Obama, and 4500 under Bush. But a "further hundred thousand" is accurate enough for Fox News.

and so on and on. But he is a religious(?) chap.

Atheism is more than just absence of belief IMO: it requires a supernatural to disbelief in it.

So does disbelief in witches require that witches exist "to disbelief in"? How about your disbelief in a competent Obama? Does it require that a competent Obama exist?

I look at a 'religiously motivated violence' with suspicion since I still look for a fitting definition for 'religious'. I asked Samiya where does 'Satan' come into the picture in vain. IMO every thinking person starts out with SOME belief (e.g. the existence (reality?) of an infinite complexity we like to call 'WORLD'' of which we only know a small fraction.)

Telmo's 'douchebag' is a criminal: he lured character-weak persons into his casinos to take their money (legitimately!) and added it to his billions. Every gambling Bigboss is a criminal. I saw too much in my 93 years so far.

I am not an ''A"- THEIST, I am an ágnostic.

So you're uncertain as to whether there's an extremely powerful person who created the world and loves you and wants you to love him and if you don't he'll torture you forever in an afterlife. Just how uncertain are you about this? 50:50? 40:60?


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