On 20 Apr 2016, at 14:53, spudboy100 via Everything List wrote:

Do you have any essays floating about, that you have written concerning machine theology (Lobian machines I am guessing)?

Have you seen my Plotinus paper? Here is a PDF:


(It has been published in the proceeding of the CIE meeting of 2007)

There is also my paper "La machine Mystique" (published in french in "Logique et Analyse"). I can give you reference, but they are only available if you are member of research.gate or academia.edu. I can send you a copy if you ask, but the Plotinus paper is more informative. Same for my last papers, but they are more technical. I suggest you begin with the Plotinus paper, and I send more if interested.



-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be>
To: everything-list <everything-list@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wed, Apr 20, 2016 3:21 am
Subject: Bektashi Alevi

Hi Samya,

I already told you that Soufism is, in Islam, and from the theological point of view, the closer to the machine's theology, which is not astonishing given that they are closer to Neoplatonism too (and I have explained that the mathematical theology of the universal machine is close to Neoplatonism, and also to the Neopythagoreanism of the earlier centuries).

I have discovered the Alevi Bektashi sects since, and they confirmed my feeling, not only with respect to the theological science, but also with respect to practice and their openness to other religion (which *is* a sign of genuine faith in the machine's faith).

Do you know them?

I realise also that Ataturk made a big mistake. Wanting to eliminate the weight of religion in Turkey, he persecuted them and installed the Sunni instead, which are rarely open to other religion and can often use the "argument" of force (as we can see today in some countries, alas).


On the french wikipedia, they assert also that the veil is not obligatory, and that the bektashi woman can marry without any problem a man with another religion. The woman bektashi prays together with the man, which is nice, but also religiously serious if I can say. Woman are treated like man. They are egalitarian, and have often fight against the use of authority in religion and politics. Nor do they pray in the direction of the Mecca.

The Alevi (alone) people have originally claim that their religion is anterior to Islam, despite close to Shi'ism after the influence of Muhammad and Ali (Muhammad's nephew and sun in law). There are obvious link with Zoroastrism (the "mother" of the abrahamic religion).

I find them very interesting. The main point closer to machine's theology, is that they have a non literal, mystic interpretation of the Quran, which is directly reflected in their spiritual flexibility and openness to *apparently different* faith. They understand that sacred texts are parabola to help the attempt to the personal experience of the divine, which is very often discouraged if not forbidden once a religion is institutionalized.




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