On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 6:47 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​> ​
> If mathematics was a language, there would not be any open problem in pure
> mathematics.

Sure there would be, nobody can give a description of anything
​in any language ​
​they don't know what the thing looks like​. Nobody can give a mathematical
description of a quantum theory of gravity because as of today nobody knows
what such a theory would look like. English is a language too and it can
also pose open questions about reality, such as
color ​were
Shakespeare's maternal grandfather's
​ eyes?".​

​Also, Mathematics like any language can describe fictional as well as
non-fictional worlds and pose open questions about them, such as "is the
continuum hypothesis true?". The equivalent in English would be "what color
were Harry Potter's
maternal grandfather's
​ eyes?".

​> ​
> Then UDA shows that
> ​ [...]​

​Oh no, we're back with that damn ​
Universal Dance Association

​ John K Clark​

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