On 9/08/2016 4:08 pm, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 8/8/2016 10:28 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:

You seem to be agreeing that this is, at bottom, an empirical matter. If we do the experiment and duplicate a conscious being, then separate the duplicates, we could ask one whether or not it was still aware of its duplicate. If the answer is "No", then we know that consciousness is localized to a particular physical body. If the answer is "Yes", then we know that consciousness is non-local, even though it might still supervene on the physical bodies.

I don't think that's logically impossible, but it would imply FTL signaling and hence be inconsistent with current physics. It can't just be QM entanglement, because it share computation, to make a difference at X due to a perception at Y requires signal transmission.

Signal transmission or awareness? Non-locality does not entail FLT signalling -- that makes it local.

?? Faster than light, spacelike, signalling is what is conventionally called "non-local", as in "non-local hidden variable".

That is one interpretation of non-locality, but that does not apply to EPR correlations, for instance; the non-locality there is intrinsic, there is no signalling /per se/.


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