On 04 Sep 2017, at 21:37, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 9/4/2017 10:22 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 04 Sep 2017, at 01:27, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 9/3/2017 3:07 PM, David Nyman wrote:
On 3 September 2017 at 17:46, Brent Meeker <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

On 9/3/2017 7:06 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 01 Sep 2017, at 19:57, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 9/1/2017 1:03 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
This leaves, as Bruno says, lots of white rabbits.

That leaves us in the position of showing that there is no white rabbits or, to refute computationalism by showing there are still white rabbits, and then you can try to invent some matter or god able to eliminate them, but that will in any case refute mechanism.

What if getting rid of those white rabbits tightly constrains consciousness and physics to something like what we observe?

Exactly. Getting rid of the white rabbit = proving the existence of the relevant measure = deriving physics from machine theology (alias elementary arithmetic).

Then it will have been shown that physics entails consciousness as well as the other way around.

OK. But arithmetic is a subtheory of any physical theory. The progress are the following

Copenhagen QM: assume a physical reality + a dualist and unclear theory of mind

Everett QM: assume a universal wave + the mechanist theory of mind (+ an identity thesis).

Me: the mechanist theory of mind (elementary arithmetic).

Brent wrote to David:

I am agreeing with you. I only disagree with Bruno in that he wants to take arithmetic or computation as more really real than physics or consciousness and not derivative. It seems to me that the very possibility of computation depends on the physics of the world and is invented by evolution.

But that is plainly false. I can prove the existence of computation in arithmetic.

After you assume arithmetic. I can prove anything if I get to choose the axioms.

On the contrary, we can only speculate on a primary physical reality for which there are no evidences at all.

You can't prove primary arithmetic either. "Primary" is just a word you stick on "physical" to make it seem inaccessible.

​I don't think that's right. Primary just means that part of a theory that is assumed rather than derived.

But in that case I can just assume that the particles of the Standard Model are primary. Then there's a lot of evidence for primary matter. It's as though physicists are being criticized because they are willing to look deeper for an explanation of their best theory. But computationalist are to be congratulated for asserting that there's no origin for arithmetic.

In the case at hand the theory is mechanism, in which it is assumed that concrete or phenomenal reality ​is ultimately an epistemological consequence of computation. That being the case, the theory relies on computation, or its combinatorial basis, as its ontology (i.e. that part of the theory that is taken to exist independently of point-of-view). It then sets out to derive its phenomenology by means of an epistemological analysis (i.e. that part of the theory that is understood to be point-of-view relative) based on the generic or universal machine as unique subject or agent. Physics, as an observationally-selected subset both of the computational ontology and its derived phenomenology, cannot thus be considered primary, in the sense given here.

Of course it's not primary given a theory that assumes something else as primary. Note that computationalism has yet to succeed in deriving phenomenology.

Is that not slightly disingenuous?

The phenomenology is given by the 8 hypostases, with p sigma_1: p, Bp, Bp & p, Bp & Dt, Bp & Dt & p. That gives 8 person points of view as three of them split along G/G*. That splits, on the material hypostases, makes quanta into particular qualia, and the physical reality as a special first person plural reality (exactly what you get with QM without collapse), both obeying a different quantum like logics.

It is interesting that there are eight different logics, but calling them persons and points of view is just metaphor - not proof.

It is not a metaphor. When you say "yes" to the surgeon, he will not replace your brain by a metaphor, but by a digital machine. Then we use the math of self-reference to study what a digital machine can prove and not prove about itself, and the 8 different views are extracted from this. Bp & p gives the classical Theaetetus standard definition of knowledge, for exemple. Socrates criticized it, but the incompleteness theorem makes it able to work in the mechanist context.

You say that they model human experience,

It associate a soul to all (Löbian) machine. Humans are only very particular Löbian machine. Unless you think that the physical laws are pure *human* construction, that is enough to get the laws of the machine observable (and indeed we find a quantum logic there).

but I think the model is very imperfect. Humans don't believe all theorems of axioms they believe.

That would be a good argument if I was claiming doing a theory on human thinking and consciousness. But that is not the goal, although an ideally correct human would have the same theology, though. But ideally correct human do not exist, or are no more human ...

In general their beliefs are contradictory. If you're going to claim to derive human experience, then you need to define human experience so we can judge whether it is correctly modelled or not.

I show that incompleteness associate a precise theology, including physics, to all (Löbian) machine. I am not studying the humans, but the origin of the physical laws, from the number dreams in arithmetic. With the work of the physicists, we never know if the laws are geographical or really physical. At least with mechanism we have a reason to believe that there are physical *laws*, and a stable universal physical reality.

Explaining numbers from physics seems to me as weird as explaining general relativity by studying Einstein's brain biochemistry.

Numbers evolutionarily predate Einstein by millions of years, c.f. William S. Cooper.

I am glad you say that, despite it leans to a category mistake. I would say that numbers are out of the domain to which time and space notions can be applied. I think it is not sensical to say that "at 4h20 pm, in my room, 17 is prime".

Anyway, a part of the point is that if we assume mechanism in cognitive science, we don't have much choice in the matter.

Because you implicitly assume as part of "mechanism" that arithmetic and computation exist independent of physics.

Computations existence is derived entirely from

0 ≠ (x + 1)
((x + 1) = (y + 1))  -> x = y
x = 0 v Ey(x = y + 1)
x + 0 = x
x + (y + 1) = (x + y) + 1
x * 0 = 0
x * (y + 1) = (x * y) + x

That 0 is not a successor (0 ≠ (x + 1)) is hardly a physical fact. Nobody can measure or verify that the "{10^(10^100) nth prime number} + 1" is different of zero, although that follows from the axioms above.

But I think this is false, and your movie graph argument does not prove it.

We might have been influenced by the physical to grasp that 2+2=4, but once grasped, we can understand that we don't need to refer to anything physical to reason on the numbers, indeed if you add the axioms of logic to the axioms given above, you get all we need to assume, and there is nothing physical referred to in the theory. A good thing given that the goal is to explain non circularly the origin of the physical appearances, and thus without committing ourself in a ontological physical commitment.



I do not claim any truth, just testability, in a field where many want to believe we can believe what we want. Well. No, if we want to respect some reality or truth without which research has no sense.



Rather, it makes its appearance as a tightly-constrained extensional infrastructure in terms of which the machine's phenomenology is enabled to play out in action.


  I don't need to prove the physical, I observe it.

Your argument is 100% the same as saying "It seems to me that the very possibility of computation depends on God".

If God or Matter plays a role in a computation, then you are not taking the word "computation" in its standard meaning (cf Church- Turing-Post-Kleene thesis), and I have no clue at all what you are talking about.

So you put words in my mouth and then complain that you don't know what I'm talking about?




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