On 18 Sep 2017, at 01:30, John Clark wrote:

On Sat, Sep 9, 2017 at 5:40 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

I hope you are fine.

​Thank you Bruno, I'm OK.​


​> ​Mr. His was sure that his first person experience will be of being in one city, then he pushed on the button, and both the copies claim, "yes that prediction was correct: when opening the door I made the experience of seeing only once city.

​And if two copies claims were "I saw one and only one city so the prediction that I, would see one and only one city was correct" then a logical contradiction would result because there are two of them.

In the third person description. In the duplication we must make precise, both with pronouns and proper names if we talk about the 1p or the 3p. As we have agreed that the 3p copies are both genuine Helsinki-guy survivor, it becomes rather easy, and there are no logical contradiction.

So the claims can not be correct even if they sincerely believe they are.

They are obviously (with the mechanist assumption) correct. Both copies saw only one city, and both were unable to predict in advance which one they would feel to see.

All this assumes the personal pronoun "I" means anybody who remembers being asked the question yesterday in Helsinki, and if "I" doesn't mean that then what "I" mean?.

No problem. We have agreed on this. The point is that the two copies were not able to predict their specific experience. But they can predict a non specific experience like I will feel to be either in W or in M. And that is confirmed by the two copies, which is the criteria for verifying a prediction of a first person experience?

​>> ​If Mr. His had been correct then after the duplication all the people who remember being Mr. His

​> ​Sorry, but that is the third person description of Mister His.

​That's what I don't get, If today Mr. His isn't anybody who remembers being asked the question yesterday then who is Mr. Hid today? ​

You just need to make precise if you talk of body (3p) or of first person experience (soul, knower, ...)..

Mr His is both the W-guy and the M-guy for any third person looking at the experience from outside.

But from Mr. His' personal view point after the duplication, he (which denotes both guys) can only feel to be at once place, and it has to be, for both of them, one among the two W and M cities.

​> ​The question was about what he expected to live.

​Then the question is of no scientific of philosophic significance

You could have said this before as it has always been that same question. The whole point is that physics use an identity criteria refuted by Mechanism. Wait perhaps for the study of the next steps to judge the significance.

and I don't understand why we keep talking about something so trivial.

Yes, it is very simple. So perhaps now you can move on step 4. It remains as simple up to step 6.

Most people expect Jesus Christ will return in a few years but that doesn't mean he will. A far far more profound question than "Where do you expect he will live?" is "Where will he live?" or even better "Today where are the people who remember being in Helsinki yesterday?". ​

That is the 3p question. The answer is just given in the mechanist assumption and the protocol. The interesting things is the 1p. It is still very trivial indeed at that stage, yet can be considered as deep, as it shows that mechanism, which is utter 3p-determinism entails an irreducible randomness in the subjective experience of machine or people. later, we will see how crucial is that form of randomness.

​> comp predicts "the guy will feel to be in one city, that he could not have predicted before"

​So there is something called "comp" that can predict it but nothing can predict it.

Yes. If we are digital machine then we are duplicable. And the theory predicts or explains entirely that from its first person pov the person undergoing the split cannot feel the split, nor predict his self-localization measurement.

Nobody knows the answer because nobody knows the question.

You just did know it above.

What exactly is "it"? Yes yes I know," it" is about the first person view, but that is all predictable, tomorrow the the first person view​ of the Moscow man will be Moscow

The point is that you cannot predict in Helsinki if you will be the Moscow man *from your first person subjectyive experience". (and there are no problem with pronouns here).

and tomorrow the the first person view​ of the Washington man will be Washington

The point is that you cannot predict in Helsinki if you will be the Washington man *from your first person subjectyive experience".

tomorrow there will be no first person view​ of Helsinki at all. The only reason more can't be predicted is because you can't say exactly what it is you want predicted.

That is not correct. "it" refers to the very precise outcome "I open the door and see W" and "I open the door and see M".

Both will occur in the 3p view. But whoever I am, I will live only one outcome.

It is isomorphic to the coin throwing. So the question is very easy, and the answer too.

​> ​You play dumb or what.

​I don't think I'm significantly dumber than average so it must be or what.​

​> ​The prediction is made before,​ but the verification is the one made by each first person obtained.

​Nothing can be verified if its not know who the prediction was supposed to be about,

It is not a question of "who". With the identity criterion on which we agree, we know BOTH will live the answer. But we know that they are incompatible as 1p experience, and as such, it is simply one of them.

and that is as clear as mud.​ ​You say it's not about the people who remember being asked the question

I never have said that. I say that only in a more precise way: it is about the experience of the people who remember having been asked the question in Helsinki.

so I have no idea who the prediction is about and thus have no way of knowing if any prediction was right or wrong. ​

In the 3p. Obviously, only the W-guy and the M-guy knows the answers, and no one else. That can be sued to explain that the first person pov belongs to the non-communicable truth of the machine. The W-guy would say that he is really the one in W, and not in Moscow, but that communicate nothing, and is wrong for the M-guy.

​​>> ​And AFTER the button is pushed there are 2 people who go by the name "he" which causes endless confusion,

​> ​Here, you give credits to those who think you lie and try to deliberately be confusing.

​Bruno just think about that for a minute, why on earth would I do that?​ Why would I pretend not understand something when I really do, and why would I keep up such a silly charade for years?

That is indeed the question!

Maybe just maybe you should entertain the possibility that some people sincerely think you're dead wrong.

On the first person indeterminacy, I know only one person having a problem here: you.

And speaking of sincerity, do you really believe personal pronouns can be used just as they always have been even after people duplicating machines have become common without creating any confusion?

I totally agree with this. But you are the one calling by name the simple precision added, which is just to be clear if we talk about the 3p view accessible, or about the 1p views accessible.

​> ​We have agreed since long that both are equal in being continuators of the H-guy.

​I thought we agreed about that too, and I thought we we also agreed that 1+1=2 but apparently not because if both those things are true then the H-guy will see 2 cities ​but​ you insist the H- guy will see only one.​ And yeah yeah I know, I confuse...​


But adding the precision bring up full clarity (and you got it above):

1 copy + 1 copy = 2 copies in the 3p view.

1 copy + 1 copy = 1 experience (for the two copies). The experiencer does not feel the split, nor the existence of its copies (or you abandon computationalism).

But I think you're the one who is confused, you're confused by the fact that there are two the first person views, one in Washington and one in Moscow and both of them are the H-guy.

That is not confusing when you keep in mind that the question is about the 1p-expectation. The interest of this came later in the reasoning.

 ​>> ​If it's one did it turn out to be Moscow or Washington?​

​> ​You asked this before.

​I know I've asked that before and I received no answer before, and I don't expect to receive an answer this time either. ​

​> ​Please read what follow very carefully,

​If it's​ ​a real question then there is a one word answer, and I don't need to read one word carefully. ​

Listen to the copies. They all give the one word answer you need to hear. Oh, you don't like that you get many different incompatible answer? Well, that is just what happens with duplication.

​> ​Now you tell me that this means only the tautological "the M- man finds M", and the "W-man finds W",

​Yep.​ Very dull and of no scientific philosophic or mathematical interest whatsoever but nevertheless 100% true.

​> ​both are still the same H-guy,


​> ​and that the H-guy was unable to predict which precise city he will feel to survive through in that experience.

​That's because there isn't one precise city that is ​correct and one one precise city that is incorrect.

Then you put the 1p experience under the rug.

It't not that nobody knows the answer, the answer does not exist; therefore it wasn't a question.

If the answer does not exist, it means that the W and the M men are zombies, and computationalism is false.

​>> ​What exactly did the Helsinki Man fail to predict? ​

​> ​The name of the city that he will write in his personal diary soon.

​I will tell you the one and only one name of that city just as soon as you tell me who "he" is.

He is the guy remembering Helsinki. From outside, they are two of them, but they feel unique and the question was about that feeling.

I can't give an answer if I don't know the question.​

​What ​one and only one ​city will ​​I Mr. Beforethebutton​ispushed ​see after the button is pushed?" is that a question or is that gibberish?

That is a question on the third person description of the localization of the experience. It is not gibberish, but is not relevant.

Not relevant? If that's not the question you want a​n​ answer to then I don't know what is. Not​ gibberish?​ Mr. Beforethebuttonispushed​ is about to become two, therefore there can't be one and only one city.​

​> ​See Quentin post

​No I don't think so. I no longer spend more than 10 seconds reading any of Quentin's posts and certainty never reread them. ​

​​>> ​There are 2 ​first-person experience​s and the Helsinki man ​correctly predicted who would see what.

​> ​But fail to predict who among those who he was about to feel.

​Bruno, did it ever occur to you that if the answer can't be known before the event and the answer can't be known after the event either then the problem isn't a lack of prediction ability? ​

But both copies knows the question, and after pushing the button knows the answer. You just decide to not listen to them.

​> ​You talk in such a way that the first person has just nothing to say,

​No, I talk in such a way that THE first person has two things to say not one

No. After the duplication there are TWO first person, and they each say one precise answer.

and both of them are true because there are two THE first person. And that is not bad grammar, that is just one of the ways the English language will need to adapt once people duplicating machines are invented.
​> ​And by numerical identity, and first person incompatibility of alternate experience (unless telepathy),

​You've been talking about telepathy​ for years now, I didn't understand why the first time you did so and I still don't. ​

See just above. You talk again like if the person could feel being in two places at once. Either you ignore the 1p view, or you introduce a non computable element in the mind.

​> ​>>​​There is no ambiguity,

​>> ​​Then name the one and only one city it turned out to be!​

​> ​If I could, there would be a weird third person indeterminacy.

​If you could then there really would be no ambiguity and it would be a real question, but you can't answer it​, not before the event and not after it either because there is no "it".

Indeed. No third person can feel the experience of another person. But there is a "it", for both copies, as we can directly see in their diaries.

You just avoid the mind-body problem, or the 1p-3p relations problem, which up to now is simple: just replace ambiguity by indeterminacy.

its study necessitate the study of all diaries.

​A study of those diaries would be of equal usefulness as a study of telepathy would be. Zero.

The diaries contains the 1p. You are just saying that "1p" is not interesting. You evacuate the whole cognitive science or philosophy of mind.

​> ​The very fact that it is impossible to answer your question illustrates that the differentiation is not predictable.

​Hey don't push this off on me, it's your "question" not mine!​

​> ​Just listen to the copies.

​I did, and they named 2 cities not one.​ ​

That is plainly wrong, or a word play. They both cited 1 city. You said it yourself, even above. You cannot treat the multiple copies like if they were still one person. They have differentiated. They both are still the H-guy, but none of the W (resp M) guy is the M (resp W) guy.


 John K Clark​

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