On Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 10:40:36 PM UTC, Bruce wrote:
> On 30/11/2017 5:31 am, John Clark wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 10:59 PM, Bruce Kellett <bhke...@optusnet.com.au 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> ​ >​
> ​I see no reason all the Everett worlds have the same physics,
> ​ > ​
> Everettian worlds follow from assuming that the Schrödinger equation 
> applies everywhere without exception, so that all physical evolution is 
> unitary. A change in the underlying physics -- such as a change in the 
> value of fundamental constants, Planck's constant or Newton's constant for 
> example -- would not be unitary, so cannot occur in MWI.
> ​
> Why can't it be unitary?? Show me why if 
> ​ ​
> Newton's constant had any value other than 
> ​ ​
> 6.754* 10^-11 m3 kg^−1 s^−2 
> ​  ​
> the sum of all quantum probabilities would no longer add up to exactly 1. 
> If you can really do that then you've just derived Newton's constant 
> directly from first principles and you should but a ticket to Stockholm 
> right now because you're absolutely certain to win the next nobel Prize. 
> Although unitarity does mean that probabilities always sum to unity, that 
> is a consequence of unitary evolution, not a definition of it. A unitary 
> transformation is one that can be reversed: so the unitary operator U can 
> be written as exp(-iH), for example, and the complex conjugate (or the 
> adjoint for hermitian operators) is the inverse transformation.
> So for changes in constants to be unitary, there needs to be a hermitian 
> operator that brings about these changes. But changes in constants only 
> make sense for dimensionless constants such as the fine structure constant,

*From a naive pov one could conjecture that the SoL could change even 
though it's not a dimensionless quantity. ISTM the conclusion of an 
unchanging SoL is forced on us since a meter is now defined as the distance 
light travels in a second, where distance is defined in terms of the SoL? I 
mean to say the current definitions of second and meter seem based on the 
assumption that the SoL is an unchanging universal constant. Is this not 
circular reasoning? AG*

and there is currently no theory as to how this would change in a unitary 
> manner.
> ​ >> ​
> lets assume you're right, then the string theory multiverse must be larger 
> than the many worlds multiverse incorporating everything in Everett's 
> version and MORE; after all if it contains universes with radically 
> different laws of physics it must also contain more modest things like a 
> world where my coin came up heads instead of tails.
> ​ > ​
> I would suggest that there is no such world. Whether a coin comes up head 
> or tails on a simple toss is not a quantum event;
> ​Do you actually think reality can be neatly divided ​
> ​ between quantum and non-quantum events? A unstable atom has a 50% chance 
> of decaying and producing a easily detectable high speed electron, if the 
> electron ​is detected a computer controlled robot arm turns my coin to 
> heads, if it detects no electron it turns my coin to tails.
> Of course, if you set up a situation in which a quantum event is amplified 
> to give a difference in macroscopic outcomes, such as in Schrödinger's cat, 
> then you can say that the macroscopic uncertainty has a quantum origin. But 
> the majority of quantum events are not amplified in this way -- they simply 
> occur randomly in large numbers so that the expectation value is unaffected 
> by individual uncertainties.
> ​ > ​
> Also, in the Level I multiverse it is quite unlikely that the initial 
> conditions could differ to an extent such that everything was identical in 
> the two worlds up to your coin toss.
> ​Quite
>  unlikely 
> ​ events are going to happen if the number of universes is large enough, 
> and if there are a infinity of worlds then anything with a non-zero 
> probability is certain to happen in some universe.
> Except events of measure zero.
> ...

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