On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 11:38 PM, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 12:34 PM, Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.com>
> wrote:
>>> >> You walk into a bakery and see a cake and you assume the baker made
>>> >> the cake. Do you also assume the baker made the flower in the cake, and  
>>> >> the
>>> >> carbon in the flower, and the protons in the carbon, and the quarks in 
>>> >> the
>>> >> protons?
>> > No, because the cake is an improbable thing, while protons are  probable
>> > things. I don't know how probable consciousness is.
> But I do know that the bakers brain is far more improbable  than a cake
> ,
> and mass and an electromagnetic field and temperature are even more probable
> than protons, so why do you demand Evolution produce mass and temperature
> and electromagnetic fields but
> you
> don't demand the baker produce protons?

I demand no such thing. On the contrary, I am pointing out that just
because you have a certain property, it doesn't follow that this
property was created be evolution. Evolution is a theory about the
complexification of biological systems. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> > I don't know how probable consciousness is.
> But I can make a educated guess because I know that most things don't behave
> intelagently and I also know that when I become less conscious I also become
> less intelligent.
>> > Humans are terribly complex
> Yes, and evolution didn't bother to put in all that complexity because its a
> nice guy and figured we'd like consciousness, it did it because intelligent
> behavior has survival value.

Human-like intelligent behavior is a successful strategy in a very
narrow evolutionary niche. We are one thermonuclear war away from
nature "deciding" that human-like intelligence is not so useful after
all. Evolution is constant adaptation to the environment, with some
self-referenciality because the things evolved become part of, and
change the environment.

>> > and it might be that consciousness arises  from terribly complex things,
>> > or from certain types of terribly  complex things. But I don't really know
>> > and neither do you.
> I don't really know that human cadavers are not conscious, but they
> sure
> don't behave intelligently so my hunch is they are not.
> W
> hat is your hunch?

My hunch is that I am mind in a universe made of mind. I believe
modern physics is both valid and useful (and a lot of fun), but I do
not know that it studies fundamental reality and I believe nobody else
knows either.


> John K
> Clark
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