You can still continue to make science as you are doing it today, in order 
to increase the quality of life. The thing is that you never had causality, 
determinism, prediction, and any hope of understanding the universe to 
start with. What we gain is precisely this: the ability to understand 
existence. You can still make predicitons, but they will be prediciton of 
the kind: "If you put your hand into the fire, you will get burned. Don't 
you believe me ? Try it!", namely predictions by way of experience. First 
someone experiences something (without prediction what it will be, because 
you cannot predict something that you never experienced), and then by 
understanding the context that generated that specific meaning, you will 
invite other consciousness to put themselves into that precise context. God 
himself created the world in order to experience things. He couldn't have 
imagined by his own will new qualia, because he didn't have the proper 
contexts for those qualia to be brought into existence. So he forgot about 
himself and reincarnated in all the consciousness in the world, and those 
consciousness through their interactions establish contexts and contexts 
give birth to meaning/qualia. This way, God gets to know himself. Is the 
only way.

On Monday, 22 April 2019 15:48:32 UTC+3, Terren Suydam wrote:
> So to summarize:
>    - We lose: causality, determinism, prediction, and any hope of 
>    understanding the universe without getting into the minds of competing 
>    consciousnesses, some proportion of which don't inhabit biological bodies
>    - We gain: 
> Can you help me out with that second line? Why should anyone take your 
> theory seriously when it means jettisoning science? What's the payoff? 

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