On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 10:44 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

 >> the very definition of "The Helsinki Man" is the man who is
>> experiencing Helsinki right now today.

*> That definition has never been adopted by anyone,*

You use it in the very post I'm responding to! See the next line!:

> *he can predict, when still in Helsinki (as always since day one), that
> he will* [...]

John Clark doesn't think there is any way Bruno Marchal can ever be weaned
off of personal pronouns. Is Mr.He the same Mr.He that is "still in
Helsinki"? If it is then today Mr.He is experiencing nothing at all because
today nobody is "still in Helsinki". But if Mr.He is somebody who remembers
being in Helsinki yesterday then today 2 people in 2 different cities fit
that description. So yesterday it would be logical to say Mr.He will either
experience zero cities or two cities depending on who the hell Mr.He is.

And upon this ridiculous mismash you have built your entire philosophy.

> * > the ā€œIā€ pronoun, lost all its ambiguity*

If that were true Bruno could prove it by simply replacing the personal
pronoun "I" with its referent, but John Clark knows that will never happen
because then the gaping logical holes in the argument would stand out like
a sore thumb.

*> you assume telepathy.*

And that bit of silliness is my cue to say goodnight.

 John K Clark

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