On 3/23/2022 7:02 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 12:34 PM Brent Meeker <meekerbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

    On 3/22/2022 11:05 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:
    On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 4:01 PM Brent Meeker
    <meekerbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

        On 3/22/2022 7:55 PM, Bruce Kellett wrote:

        Actually, that is where I started. I assumed that Alice and
        Bob were both able to collect results from N trials before
        they met. Then there are 2^N copies of each experimenter,
        and a potential (2^N)^(2^N) pairs when they meet. The
        trouble to be explained is that there are actually only 2^N
        pairs in a real experiment, each with inequality-violating
        correlations. What has happened to all the extra pairings
        that MWI must produce? (Most of which have correlations
        violating the quantum predictions.)

        Don't you mean (2^N)x(2^N).

    Probably. Both Alice and Bob split into 2^N copies for binary
    results. So each of the 2^N Alice's splits into 2^N further
    copies, one for each copy of Bob.

    Why would Alice split again for each copy of Bob.  There's no QM

There is. That is what MWI predicts: for every splitting of Bob, the whole world, including copies of Alice, also splits.

OK, I see your point.  I think that's one reading of it.  But if MWI is local, as Bruno and smitra contend, the non-locality of the wave-function can't have the effect of splitting Alice when Bob measures spacelike relative to Alice.  As I understood it, they were claiming it's a virtue of MWI that this FTL stuff doesn't happen.

That is certainly the case if both Alice and Bob measure independent particles that they prepare themselves. The question is, "Why are there fewer joint branches when they measure entangled particles?" If you consider that all (2^N)*(2^N) branches with Alice-Bob pairings exist in the entangled case as well as the independent case, as MWI would predict if the measurements are truly local and independent, then a large number of the couples are going to find correlations that violate the quantum predictions. The fact that all experiments have found correlations that agree with QM is then hard to explain.

    Each Alice and each Bob has seen N events and has recorded them as
    a binary number of N bits in their notebook.  They are
    quasi-classical observers and they're going to meet in the
    future.  If there are not (2^N)x(2^N) meetings there must be some
    quantum magic that it is eliminating or otherwise weighting them.

That is the point that I am making. There must be some fairy dust or other magic at play if the MWI predictions are to agree with QM. As I have said before, if some of the branches have zero weight or zero probability, then such branches can never have been created. There is no mechanism which could make them vanish only when Alice and Bob meet. In many of the Everettian apologies, capital is made of the fact that the Alice-Bob meeting is also an interaction. But that interaction is not (or need not be) of the sort that could remove unwanted branches.

Right.  That was my point in having them light-hours apart so the meeting is classical comparison of notebooks.


For example, if Alice and Bob exchange results by email, there is no interaction that could possibly eliminate branches, or change data in their notebooks so that everything worked out. Such notions are in the realm of fantasy and magic.

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