Salyavin, you're "reviewing the movie without having seen it" just like Judy. You say:

The only thing I believe about the government is that they are incapable of planning and executing such a sophisticated and cynical plot. Rigging buildings to collapse like a traditional demolition but only after planes had flown into them? And without ever practising! What would have happened if the buildings fell over when the planes hit? The nuclear weapons would have been seen exploding! Bit risky for the plotters.

This is because you don't actually know what 9-11 investigators allege. We allege it was a conspiracy by a faction in the government and some corporations. The planes were a cover and they alone would not have collapsed the building. See, Mr. Science, you don't even know that the buildings were designed to take a hit by those size planes. This because a large plane hit the Empire State by accident back in the 1940s but it also didn't sustain much damage from that. So they made sure future buildings were also built to take such hits.

Also planes hitting the building would not have made them fall over. To do that is a bit tricky and they hit too high to do that. Thus it required demolition to complete the job. It is alleged that Flight 93 was supposed to hit WTC 7 where the operation was run from and it was also the principal target because it contained documents that the perpetrators didn't want investigated. When the Flight 93 got shot down (no it didn't crash) then they had to "pull" the building (as soon as the operations team got out). Silverstein goofed and said they had to "pull" building. It wouldn't be possible to set the building up for demolition under those conditions and that fast. It was set up in advance.

Most of us know that a large jet liner could not have maneuvered to hit the Pentagon. There would have been crash debris and a much larger hole. It was most likely a missile. Some folks claim they saw a plane but that too may have been the operations plane flying over at the time (and one was seen in the vicinity).

Your knowledge of modern tactical nuclear weapons is a bit lacking. They would necessarily exposed the perps to any danger setting them up.

I've spent over 10 years on this subject and have many reference materials if you want to argue more and get an education.

Believe if you want that some billionaire in a cave in Afghanistan ran the whole operation but that really sounds wacky! :-D

On 10/10/2014 12:09 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

There are lots of celebrities who question the 9-11 story. I liked the time that Mos Def was on Bill Maher and mentioned he didn't believe the official story. That sort of put Maher between a rock and a hard place because he like Mos but goes unglued over the 9-11 allegations. Maher even had some audience folks thrown out because they yelled it was an "inside job."

Oh and BTW, I bought both of the remote viewing episodes from Courtney Brown. It's more about the process the two remote viewers went through and very interesting. One point I wonder about though was if one of them remote viewed the war room for the war game that day which would have had nothing to do with the false flag.

But keep eating the peanuts and believing your guvmint and the big corporations who represent the truth.

The only thing I believe about the government is that they are incapable of planning and executing such a sophisticated and cynical plot. Rigging buildings to collapse like a traditional demolition but only after planes had flown into them? And without ever practising! What would have happened if the buildings fell over when the planes hit? The nuclear weapons would have been seen exploding! Bit risky for the plotters.

You got to be on more than peanuts to take any of it even remotely seriously.

Basically something shit happened and it's hard to take on board so someone has to be to blamed. Just as with Lady Di, that had to be an inside job - even though none of it made any sense - otherwise it's all just so pointless and destructive. Much better if the government are behind it. Something to get excited about.

    On 10/10/2014 11:14 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

Ah, celebrity endorsement. It must be true!

---In <>, <noozguru@...> <mailto:noozguru@...> wrote :

Should cause some commotion here:

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