I answered you, but feel free to call if you want.  Please, please do not
panic.  I will see if I can find some info on FIP for you outside of the

On Dec 25, 2007 2:17 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I wanted to resend this with a new subject line, since I am now able to
> access the Archives and I'm scanning for info on FIP.  None of what I'm
> finding is making me feel better- only worse.
> caroline
>  ------------------------------
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Subject: Archives
> Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2007 15:02:21 -0500
> I can't access the Archives.  I keep trying and I keep getting an error
> message.  It's not my internet service, obviously, or I wouldn't be able to
> send this email.  Anyone else tried?
> I'd really like to get to the Archives because I took a cat into my home
> that I took from the store on Sat. because he looked horrible and no one
> else is doing anything about it (of course).  Took him to the doctor
> yesterday (had to *fight* to get approval to even do that and the cat is
> obviously sickly looking- I'm so frustrated), and the vet is very concerned
> about "infectious disease."  Thank god- but I think he was shocked that the
> cat hasn't been treated yet, so I made it very very clear that I just got my
> hands on this cat and have been playing "clean-up duty" since the end of
> Aug. on these orphaned Metro AC June babies and that the group I VOLUNTEER
> FOR has made my self-appointed task of cleaning up their neglected messes,
> very very difficult.  I didn't mince words.  It was Christmas Eve and I
> spent 2 hours and 15 mins at the vets and NOT being able to work and I just
> cracked I guess.
> The vet is suspecting- based only on the physical exam b/c we won't get
> the blood tests (full panel) back on Wed. (hopefully)-- FIP, FIV, and/or
> Felv in that order.  I am not so worried about Felv b/c I have dealt with
> that before and I just don't think it's transmitted that easily in
> non-fighting cats (my own opinion).  But I have never dealt with FIP and FIV
> and this cat was mingled with my other fosters by the adoption agency I
> volunteer for before I ever even took in any cats.  So basically I am
> freaking out that I may have FIP cats on my hands and not have known it b/c
> of course I am now wondering if that is what has been wrong with my weak
> little Possum cat all this time.  I'm mad and scared and feel like I was
> asked to take in cats yet not given the resources to deal with them
> fully and protect them from each other; not to mention the caring for them
> with 2 hands tied behind my back b/c to get approval to take them to a vet
> (for the agency to pay for it) takes more arguing and hoop jumping-- the cat
> has to be practically dying to be able to get approval without being told
> things like "well, if it would make YOU feel better...but I think you are
> overreacting."  And I spent literally hundreds of dollars premium food and
> litter that I just don't have any money left over to rush cats out to vets
> and pay for it myself.  I'm just sick over this.  I'm trying to care for
> this little guy until we get the results back.  I have to give him fluids-
> which I have never done and he's a fighter.  He got fluids yesterday at the
> clinic, but he was still somewhat sedated from when they took his blood, so
> I am sure my attempt today will not go half as smooth.  He's not happy about
> being in a crate in a room by himself either and it breaks my heart.
> So I wanted to look through the archives because I know FIP and FIV have
> been discussed before.
> Also, of my 3 barn kittens (totally separated from the other fosters- so
> don't worry about that), I have one now who's little spay site seems a tad
> oozy.  Nothing scary scary like blood or a lot of fluid, but it just doesn't
> look totally right.  Not that I know what totally right looks like tho
> because I've never had a kitten this young spayed and I wasn't really given
> any follow-up care instructions- just been using my own common sense.  But
> of course, I am worried.  And of course, it's Christmas and that makes it
> very hard to call and ask anyone!
> Caroline
> ------------------------------
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Please help Clarissa!


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