I saw that instrument on a search for giving cats pills Dorothy.  I agree about 
the liquid stuff.  It can't help but stick in their throats and drive them nuts 
if they hate it.  I wish they made every medication in a trans dermal form.  My 
old guy enjoys having his thyroid medication massaged into his ear.  
That's a hoot about Armond spitting in your face.  I've only been sneezed in 
the face.  I'd be dead by now if this disease were transmittable to humans.  
He's sneezed in my face on a few occasions.  My fault though.  I probably 
shouldn't be kissing his little nose as much as I do.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dorothy Noble 
  To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
  Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 10:40 PM
  Subject: Re: coughing

  Sorry, just kind of joined the discussion on pills...I have always used a 
pill gun - I got mine from the vet. (It cost me $5.00 and has truly been a 
lifesaver.)  Sorry if I am duplicating other's suggestions...
   My cats would NEVER eat anything with a pill in it.  The pill gun is like a 
syringe-type thing and you just put it to the back of the throat - and your 
fingers are safe.  If you are worried about them taking the pill dry, you can 
then follow with a syri nge of water or broth.  It was the only way I could 
ever get Aggie to take a pill (my diabetic cat who died of cancer 2 months 
ago).  It is so much easier than trying to get them to take something nasty 
from a dropper - like Clinidrops (Clindrops?)  That is so bitter and the only 
reason I tasted it was because Armond actually spit it in my face.  I wouldn't 
take it either without a fight!

  Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    I didn't realize he was a flat-faced cat.  New thought.  There are little 
bowls chefs use for various ingredients before they mix and cook.  I am 
struggling to find a name.  They are shallow but the sides slope gently.  They 
are really neat for cats and might help keep the food from spreading.  It 
doesn't sound gross either.  I'll work on the name but they aren't that 
difficult to find and, like I said, keep the food from spreading.  Consider 
raising the bowl.  Dixie has a little table that raises her bowl maybe 4 
inches.  She really doesn't need it but I started raising bowls when Kitty 
started having reflux problems due to pancreas cancer.  It really helped her so 
all my inside critters have raised food bowls.  Kitty could hide pills.  I 
could put them so far back in her throat, watch her swallow several times, then 
find the pill on the floor in a few minutes.  They are amazing.  And totally 
worth all we do in their behalf. 

    On Feb 23, 2008, at 4:44 PM, Lynne wrote:

      Marylyn, when we feed BooBoo it's necessary for at least one of us, more 
often both of us to sit on either side of him and disgusting as it sounds, push 
his food by finger into the centre.  With his little flat face it's hard for 
him to to eat anything that is spread out.  That's when he starts his snorting. 
 We watch that piece of food with the drug in it until we see him eat it and go 
on to the next piece.  I can't believe some of the stupid things we do for him. 
 I did taste the liquid Doxy that is supposed to be grilled chicken flavored.  
It isn't bad but he hates it.  I'd rather do the pill.  I have never had a 
problem with our other cat.  He' s always been a big boy so I would just sit 
him on my lap and do the job.  He doesn't fight like Boo does.  We're trying to 
keep his life as stress free as possible. 

        ----- Original Message -----
        From: Marylyn
        To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
        Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 5:09 PM
        Subject: Re: coughing

        Good job.  Kitty acted like she swallowed pills------I found them days 
and weeks after she left this world.  Cats are very sneaky.  I suspect that 
hiding the pill or coating it will make it better.  I've tasted various meds 
for mine what were supposed to be neutral.  They were awful.  Frankly, I can't 
remember wha Lasix tastes like.  It sounds like the cat nip worked and it may 
be your answer.  

        On Feb 23, 2008, at 3:41 PM, Lynne wrote:

          I'll look into the Feliway and the rescue remedy.  We managed to get 
several catnip sprigs from outside and BooBoo went nuts over it.  We had him 
out in the patio for fresh air and he didn't want to come in.  I couldn't 
handle the cold any longer.  He and Lennie sat only a foot or so from each 
other enjoying their nip and Boo who is a sucky cat held his ground and when I 
put Len on my lap he just stared and stared at him.  Then he did his rip away 
at the bottom stair and is upstairs eating again.  He loves life I think and 
has no intention of leaving.  I gave him his last dose of Lasix today by 
putting it in a piece of salmon.  Since he was so hungry he didn't notice it. 
            ----- Original Message -----
            From: Marylyn
            To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
            Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 3:35 PM
            Subject: Re: coughing

            Cat Nap not catnip...it is a combination of essential oils that are 
appropriate for cats.........so many are dangerous to them.  I got mine from 
http://www.horizonvetserv.com/ because I know the vet and her training.  Rescue 
Remedy is available most places.  However, an angel apparently sat on your 
shoulder and mentioned the catnip........try it and see how he likes it.  I 
keep 3 pas (goat feeder rubber pans) with various grasses and catnip for Dixie. 
 They are big enough for her to roll around it and enjoy herself.  I can't say 
they look great.....then I can't say I care.   

            There are others on the site who are familiar with Dr. Maiers 
and/or Dr. Boswell if you can't find a holistic vet.

            I had a cat with cancer who was impossible to pill.  It was 
heartbreaking.  Your little buddy just needs for you to calm down and help him 
calm down.  H ow would you like someone 100 times bigger than you picking you 
up, forcing open your mouth and forcing something down your throat?  Especially 
if that person was giving off all the vibes of panic?  

            You might try Feliway spray on yourself and his room too.  It is 
very calming.  It helped The Royal Princess Kitty Katt accept me.  

            Don't give it up.  Enjoy the time you have.  It doesn't matter how 
long or how short.    
            On Feb 23, 2008, at 2:19 PM, Lynne wrote:

              We had to go out to visit my dad today Marylyn so I reluctantly 
left BooBoo alone sleeping.  When we got home I went upstairs and lay down with 
him and even though he didn't open his eyes he began purring.  I told Bob what 
you said about the amount of sleep they need so we've determined not to bug him 
so much.  He did pee and poo while we were gone and went up on the bed to 
sleep.  He is breathing better now. Still have the appointment tomorrow because 
they couldn't see us today.  There were two emergencies apparently.  Big 
friggin deal.  If a vets office can't handle two emergencies and one sick cat 
in a day, I give up.  I am searching for another vet.  I have a lead on a good 
one.  This guy told Bob he would analyse the fluid and get back to us and he 
just got rid of it.  Like I've said, everything he has done for us so far has 
been after I've read up on the dise ase or read these posts and told him my 
suggestions.  He obviously thinks we are fighting a losing battle here and 
doesn't have Boo's best interest at heart.  We will persevere because neither 
Boo or we want him dead yet.  I actually have some catnip in the garden despite 
this miserable cold weather.  I'll give it a shot.  I wish cats liked lavender 
because I have a lot of that and it is supposed to be calming for people.

                ----- Original Message -----
                From: Marylyn
                To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
              Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 3:06 PM
              Subject: Re: coughing

              Try spraying Rescue Remedy or Cat Nap around him a few minutes 
before you pill him.  Check with a holistic vet if you are having trouble with 
the status quo.  Basically, ask yourself what you have to gain and what you 
have to lose. 
              It is an awful situation.  Been there.  Done that.  With various 
critters and various physical problems.  I would never give up the total 
pleasure of their company and the wisdom of their teachings........in spite of 
the frustration and pain and all the ot her emotions..........each friend 
taught me and gave me so much.  Here is where I get too emotional.  

              On Feb 23, 2008, at 8:25 AM, Lynne wrote:


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