On Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 9:37 PM, Gloria B. Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Wow, she's a light positive.  I don't know how old she is, but   I
> have no doubt what I would do.  I'd leave the kit with her mom and
> bubba, and retest at some point.  She's already with them, so they're
> already exposed. Moving is stressful. Light Positive can mean that
> the test results aren't correct and it needs to be redone; or that
> she's been exposed to the virus and is mounting a defense against it,
> or whatever.    If she was an adult I'd start interferon, but
> probably not as a kitten.  I'm sure you'll get some other ideas too!
I really do not like the whole "light positive" thing.  It is confusing and
difficult to understand - I still don't understand it and one of my foster
kittens tested light pos a couple of years ago.  She turned out to be
negative, though, so in that case we believe it was a bad test.

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