Hi Lisa
Forti-Flora will be fine for a kitten. I used it successfully with mine.
I am rushing out and will write more later.

On Nov 14, 2008, at 12:55 AM, Lisa Borden wrote:

>  I am so happy to have found this list. Two weeks ago, I took in a 3
> month old kitten. He's a beautiful orange kitten and I've fallen in
> love with him. Yesterday I took him to the vet for his vaccines, and
> we ran an FeLV/FIV "snap" test. It came back positive for FeLV. We
> sent off the other test (IFA?) to the lab and I await those results.
>       I have two other cats - one is almost 4 (male) and one is 2
> (female). They have both been vaccinated against FeLV. My male in
> particular has become close with the kitten. it proved to be
> impractical to isolate the kitten as he just cried and cried ... and
> escaped every time I opened the door. So I decided to supervise them,
> make sure they don't fight, keep a clean litterbox, etc. and I just
> let him back out with my other cats. From the couple of posts I have
> read, I see I am not the only one. And my vet was so adament about
> keeping the baby isolated.
>       He does have diarrhea, and I was looking at probiotics. Can
> something like Fortiflora harm him if he does have a compromised
> immune system? I understand I would be giving him "good" bacteria to
> balance things out. He was negative for worms.
>       Thank you for any info, and I look forward to the group, regardless
> of the test results. My kitten is active, and is a LOVE ... and he
> isn't going anywhere!
>       Lisa
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