We don't know when our positive contracted the disease. We purchased him at 4 years, being told he was perfectly healthy. He died in less than two months after we got him. When we took him to the vet we were told he was positive but for his well being should have him neutered anyway. I will forever wish we had not put him through that stress. He was infected with earmites and fleas and we had him groomed and treated. Probably more stress for him. Over a period of 4 weeks, he went from just being fatigued to having to go in to have fluid aspirated from his lungs on a weekly basis just so he could breath. In the beginning he was started on Docycyclin and another antibiotic, then interferon. He was scheduled to have a blood transfusion on a Tuesday but on the Sunday he was having difficulty breathing, having just had his lungs aspirated on the Friday so we took him to the emergency clinic where we were told we had to let him go. He died of leukemia/FIV and peritonitis. I understand FIV cannot be diagnosed without an autopsy but all the clinical signs were there. We had gone as far as humanly possible in trying to save him and it was time to let him rest. I still choke up just writing about this. We've adopted 2 needy girls since but they aren't positive. I honestly do not think I could go through the pain of another positive cat, although, if I had one, I probably would do most of the same things all over again. Our cat was too sick and the disease too far advanced to save him. Had we got him in its earlier stages and given him proper care right from the start, I like to think he'd still be with us.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Cougar Clan" <maima...@duo-county.com>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2009 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FeLV survey, please take part,just a personal one to better undertsand FeLV.

Hi all, I want to ask you all some questions about your present and or past FeLV kitties, this is a personal survey to better understand the illness and how everything effects it, I would be really grateful if you all could participate! AT WHAT AGE DID YOUR CAT BECOME FeLV POSITIVE? WHAT TREATMENTS DID YOU DO/ARE DOING? WHAT FOOD DO/DID YOU FEED? WHAT LIFESTYLE DO YOUR CATS LEAD, E.G; INDOOR, OUTDOOR/BOTH ? LIVE WITH OTHER CATS OR NOT? HAS YOUR CAT HAD/HAVE ANY OTHER ILLNESSES AND OR STRESS IN LIFE? IF SO WHAT? WHAT AGE IS YOUR CAT NOW? OR WHEN THEY DIED? WHAT DID THEY DIE OF? So sorry, but your time in answering would be really appreciated! thanks so much! hugs and good health to you and your fur babies, Amanda, Tora and Angel Silver chan.
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