Do you give this to FeLv cats who are cancer symptoms or can it be given to any 
FeLV cats? 

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 3, 2013, at 21:50, KG BarnCats <> wrote:

> I gave 1/2 agaricus blazeii human capsule twice a day, so he got 600 mg/day.  
> recommended on the pet bottle was 45 mg/lb so my dose was a little more than 
> that.  Danny went into remission in month and is still cancer free 6 years 
> later.  :)
> KG
> On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 9:25 PM, designercats cats <> 
> wrote:
>> Thank you for this timely info! One of my FeLV+ cats, Mattie was diagnosed 
>> with high grade lymphoma on Dec. 22nd. I've had her for 5 years now and 
>> she's done well. Her only symptoms were those of a bladder infection.  Her 
>> bloodwork was great.  She's been undergoing chemo since Dec. 27th and this 
>> last week, her lymphocyte count was a bit too low.After 4 weeks, she went 
>> into complete remission, and is doing well other than the slightly low wbc.  
>> She weighs 13 lbs, eats well, etc.. I'm also giving her onco support by rx 
>> vitamins, but no transfer factor. I was looking for something specifically 
>> to raise the wbc. I'll order this tomorrow and hopefully will get it 
>> quickly. How much did you give you cat undergoing chemo?
>> Thank you so much again!
>> El
>> Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 21:13:36 -0500
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Ember - low wbc
>> consider adding Agaricus blazeii for white cell stimulation, obtaining from 
>> .  It worked great for my felv- boy when he was going thru 
>> chemo for multi site lymphoma, the vets were astonished how great his 
>> bloodwork was. Normally the white count would drop dramatically but his 
>> stayed normal.  I get the human capsules then mix it in the wet food.  He is 
>> super fussy but ate it without problem.  It is not very expensive, about $1 
>> a day.  
>> the agaricus blazeii is a standard support recommended by Dr Alice Villa 
>> Lobos, one of the top feline cancer speciaiists in the US.  Google immuno 
>> nutrition villa lobos to find out more.
>> another thing to consider is transfer factor, more expensive but it is the 
>> stuff in mother's milk that stimulates, trains and regulates the immune 
>> system.  It works for any mammal.  There are several versions, the more 
>> expensive one with tri-factor is supposed to tune up the immune system over 
>> 400 per cent.  I used to use it but had to give up due to the cost.  Can be 
>> bought on Amazon.
>> good luck
>> KG
>> On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Lance <> wrote:
>> Thanks for relating your experience, Sally. That link might come in handy, 
>> too. I wish we had more to go on than anecdotes, though. It seems like there 
>> haven't been that many studies done to confirm what treatments work best. 
>> I'm considering:
>> ImmunoRegulin
>> Virbagen Omega
>> Neupogen
>> I don't know if I can afford Neupogen, and when I talked to my vet about it, 
>> she seemed uncertain. It has a reputation for causing bone pain, and if I 
>> can help it, I don't want to give Ember something that makes her miserable. 
>> Virbagen Omega is expensive, but I know (roughly) how much it costs, and 
>> it's worth it to me if it can help Ember. There seems to have been some 
>> success in its use. Unfortunately, it still doesn't seem to be available 
>> here, and shipping is a good chunk of its cost.
>> LTCI and ImmunoRegulin seem affordable and potentially useful. When I was 
>> last looking into these options, there wasn't much evidence to support 
>> LTCI's benefits. It seems to have become more accepted over the last few 
>> years, but I'm still feeling cautious about it.
>> I'll do a more thorough scan of the list's archives soon, and I'm going to 
>> call a few vets tomorrow. 
>> Lance
>> On Mar 3, 2013, at 12:25 AM, Sally Davis <> wrote:
>> Lance,
>> Two of my cats got this. Junior went from being anemic to borderline low and 
>> his fevers which had been as high as 106.5 went away. Now As I am reading 
>> more I wish I had kept him on it.  Tiny wasa asymptomatic but he was 
>> positive. He actually passed 4 mos after testing positive. The felv probably 
>> played a part. He most likely threw a clot  I was with him and was too 
>> sudden. There was no emergency vet visit. The worst part was he died on 
>> Chstmas day. I miss them all.I ordered the IR from Revival Pet supply. I 
>> ordered mine direct does not require a presciption. 
>> It was more if my vet 
>> ordered it. I took the vial in to the vet's office and a tech  gave him the 
>> injection IV.
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