Ilona thank you for your thanks.
I do knit everywhere i can, i am not a fast knitter, but i get there. i think my time while sitting anywhere is mine to use for knitting, crocheting embroidering or reading. I feel uneasy sitting anf doing nothing, I feel wonderul, when i can do something that will be useful or nice. I could fill a book [a big one] with the remarks i got over the years. luckily knitting is coming back , more and more ladies knit in trains, buses etc,,, I can laugh or smile at many of those remarks, but i hate the ones that look down on me , because i knit , i once boarded a bus on my way to a lecture [ i was to the speak], when a woman came into the bus , looked at me [ i always have circulars thus am not disturbing], and said quite loud that she doesn`t sit next to `primitive old ladies`. the woman boarding the bus after her sat next to me turned to the other and took our her knitting and said " I am a surgeon i keep my hands fit with knitting!!!" ,,,, ps later it came out that unkind woman came to my lecture, and i mentioned to all that i am a knitter, but this doesn`t stop me from speaking there.

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