Steven Sacks wrote:

> Flash used to be a toy, and, up until Flash 8, it still could be....The
> you see so much BAD Flash is because it was SO EASY to use for even non
> programmers.

Steven has a point (even though I cut most of his post). Remember the days
when Flash's nickname was "Skip-intro"?

The Internet has changed, and will continue to change. It has gotten more
sophisticated. Browsers have gotten more sophisticated. Users have gotten
more sophisticated. To keep Flash/Flex as a premier Web development tool, it
has to get more sophisticated, and its users must get more sophisticated.

Having said that, I'd like to see Flash have drag-and-drop behaviors like
Director has. In its first decade or so, Director followed a similar path as
Flash. It started out as a simple animation tool with an easy-to-use
language, and developed into a sophisticated programmer's tool. The
introduction of drag-and-drop behaviors brought it back into the realm of
the designer, while remaining a sophisticated programmer's tool.

Of course, Macromedia made a number of blunders with Director/Shockwave
that, I hope, will not be repeated by Adobe on Flash. Making it more
sophisticated was not one of those blunders, though.


Kerry Thompson

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