David Megginson wrote:
> Seriously, I am planning on adding the occasional barn, farmhouse,
> silo, and blue aluminum storage shed.  This points to another problem,
> though -- as with textures, buildings will look very different in
> different parts of the world and even in different parts of the same
> country, province, state, or county.
> What we need is conditions in materials.xml; for example, within a
> certain lat/lon rectangle, use a tumbled-down stone building for a
> barn; within another, use a North-American wooden barn; and so on.  We
> already have XML conditions, so it's doable, but it will be a bit of
> work all the same.  Instead of allowing full conditions, we might
> allow only a few criteria (maybe time of year, lat/lon, elevation,
> slope).

IMO it's better to use a lat/lon and a weighting value instead of a

So you can e.g. place a "all farms look like Object1 at lat/lon,
standard weighting" in the middle of the US and place a "all farms look
like Object2 at lat2/lon2, strong weighting" at a special place where
the farms look a bit different.

The result would be, that all farms are Object1, exept in a circle
around lat2/lon2 where they are Object2.

The decicion about which object should be generated is easy, just look
which weight/distance_to_lat_lon is gratest...


PS: This will automatically generate voronoii diagrams...

The idea is to die young as late as possible.        -- Ashley Montague

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