David Findlay writes:

 > Of course! Mind you in Africa the the baboons will sit on a runway,
 > fly away as you buzz them, then sit back on the runway while you go
 > around the circuit for landing. They are happy to do that all
 > afternoon, so you just have to land and try and miss them. :-) We
 > should be able to implement this, although you'll have to watch
 > that the baboons don't bite you on the backside as you get out of
 > the plane. :-P

In Canada, a bull moose will charge at a car's headlights or,
presumably, a small plane's landing lights.  Moose have very large
bodies on high legs and can do a lot of damage, and a few drivers die
every year from encounters.  Standard driving practice when you see a
moose (in time) is to turn off your headlights, stop, and wait very
quietly.  Natural selection tends to take care of the idiots who honk
their horns and flash their lights to try to get a moose off the road.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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