Jim Wilson wrote:

Vivian Meazza <snip> said:

I'm about halfway through generating a 3d cockpit for the Seahawk model -
are you going to move the origin of the model? I'd like a heads up, it will
probably affect how I go about the rest of the work.

If the model is already animated (and/or cockipit models positioned) I would recommend using this to reposition the model: http://www.flightgear.org/Docs/fgfs-model-howto.html#repositioning

I should have known.  It's already there!  This is exactly the meta data I
was talking about!  With this, you can pick ***ANY*** static point in the
model.  A few seconds with a calculator and done!  Since you can pick any
static point, there is no need to calculate a new one.  It's like paying
double to use the toll road.

I suspect these properties are applied anyway -- even if they are zero.  I
don't know if these are applied per frame or if they are applied once to
the model.  In the latter case, you can ride the toll road all day and only
have to pay the toll once!

-- Russ

Conway's Law: "The structure of a system tends to mirror the
structure of the group producing it."
     -- Mel Conway Datamation (1968)

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