Roy Vegard Ovesen said:

> AFAIKT the waypoint mode is tied to the true heading hold mode. What you can 
> do is to modify the u_min and u_max around line 137 in generic-autopilot.xml 
> to allow the autopilot to command a greater bank angle say 40 degrees instead 
> of the current 20 degrees. But this might cause the autopilot to overshoot 
> more or even become unstable. Remember: controller tuning is an art ;-)

Yeah right.  The system is excellent for detail modeling,  but not so great
for those who are not controller artists.  Isn't there some way we can make
this easier without losing the benefit of flexibility?

BTW maybe a "lookahead" like the 747 is using for nav-hold would help
auto-tune the heading bug.



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