Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:
I came up with a similar idea a few weeks ago.

The panel will have to lost focus automatically when no input is given within a certain time.


On June 25, 2004 11:17 am, Josh Babcock wrote:

Whatever we do, it should be self documenting.  There should be a way to
turn on something like tooltips for clickable regions.  I can see something
like cycling between just the panel displayed, to clickable regions
displayed, to clickable regions displayed with little glowing letters for
the key presses to activate them down in each lower right corner.  More
importantly, you should be able to bring up a window that shows every key
you can press at the moment with a name for its function.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Hmm, what do you mean by focus? I was envisioning a purely visual thing that would be turned on/off for the whole panel by the user. By focus I assume you mean the ability of a mouse click to change something on the panel, which is now a function of the mouse mode.


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